“This is the most depressing interview I’ve ever given for this amount of time.”
That's Jim Furyk talking about his February Golf Magazine interview talking about his 2012 season that was a few different swings from being a career year.
This was interesting...
Here’s the way I look at it: Amateurs come in at the end of the day, they sit down, they have a beer, and they talk about the two great shots they hit for two hours. Golf professionals come in and piss and moan about the two bad shots that cost them a 66, and were the reason they shot 68 or 69. Those two shots will keep them up at night, thinking about how they’re going to get rid of them, so they can trust their swing the next day.
Reader Comments (20)
That said, I'm still not sure if he will ever win again... Gonna root for him though.
Amateur skiers don't lay awake at night fretting over that one lost edge that cost them a 10th of a second either....Amateur basketball players don't worry about that missed know, on and on.
Quit whining Jimmy boy, having to answer some questions is part of the big pay checks. When you consider what the average person has to do to earn the kind of money these guys earn, it all seems pretty easy really.
It may be possible to parse that comment about "amateurs" so that it is not out to lunch and condescending, but if he thinks we (i.e., those of us who know his dad is a pro from Pennsylvania and can name the course near Chicago where he won his Open) don't think long and hard about how to get rid of the shots that turn a 76 into a 78 or 79 or an 85 into a 90, he really needs to work on his imagination.
Golf is getting way to complicated.
@Ludell: Good one!
WOW- I thought Ludell was making a very funny joke--- but darned if it isn't really Jim Furyk's own words... unbelievable!
I have always been neutral on Furyk- I never liked him, but never disliked him--and in 2012, I got very aggressive in calling him a choker as the year progressed, and sadly I was right. Thing is, I DON"T WATCH players who are a distraction to the flow of the game, or who's swing is so bad it could rub off on me...,and after ll the pre shot routine moaning on here, I watched him a bit last year, and he is PATHETIC, and is the poster child for a big 2 stroke fine, again and again, until he gets it, and everyone else does too.
And his description of am's post round reviewing is such crap. Maybe that is how the hi roller's who take their 24 handicaps out in to the pro ams are, but here in the real world, most srious ams want to improve, be they a 70's 80's or ? player-- they want to get in to that next group of ''good, better, best''.
Jim, just go away.Wait on the Champ tour and you can clip coupons..
The man should learn how to do a proper interview. You know, don't hold anything back because of what people might think.
Most amateurs care deeply, they just do so playing far faster than "back away" Jimmy.
and stop whining is right...and do something about your ridiculous pace of play, for chrissakes
“I’m going to have to stick a knife in my heart at the end of this,” Furyk said as he rehashed his Sunday missteps, which included snap-hooking a tee shot out of bounds on the 70th hole of the U.S. Open"
@elf got it cliches please.