New York Times (Grudgingly) Admits They Misfired On Phil Mickelson's Part In Insider Trading Story
The Matthew Goldstein and Ben Protess story which, while still suggesting Phil Mickelson may have issues related to his Dean Foods trades that netted him $1 million (to Billy Walters' $15 million), includes this:
“The new details, provided in the interviews with the people briefed on the matter, indicate that Mr. Mickelson’s ties to the investigation are weaker than previously reported.”
My analysis at's The Loop.
Reader Comments (24)
The original: A version of this article appears in print on 05/31/2014, on page A1 of the NewYork edition with the headline: Investor, Bettor, Golfer: Inquiry Into Big Names.
@v60golfer +2
They certainly could have had him come to their office. Coming to the golf course was done simply in an attempt to intimidate.
That's ok, you can have it. Back to the drawing board.