Tringale DQ's Self Week After PGA, Forfeits $53,000
Bob Harig reports on the rather remarkable act of sportsmanship by Cameron Tringale, who felt he may have broken a rule at the PGA and called in to report himself a week after the championship.
Ryder Cup standings would not have been impacted by his DQ.
"We are very appreciative of Cameron coming forward to inform us of this situation," said Kerry Haigh, chief championships officer of the PGA. "It again shows the great values and traditions of the game and the honesty and integrity of its competitors."
Reader Comments (38)
Ugh...this holier-than-thou attitude is rather tedious and laughable in the face of the Tour's sanction policy
@ RickABQ My thoughts exactly when I read the initial report, with nothing about intent. It only said something like he had waved his putter over the line of the putt.
Even though he was correct to come forward regardless of the time, to do so at 5 or 6 days post conclusion is awkward. More awkward than the Yang-O'Toole (almost) handshake in my opinion.
He couldn't have ignored it, even if he wanted to.
He finished one shot behind Tom Watson.
So the whiff potentially cost him a playoff (although you never know how one less shot would have impacted the rest of the round for either Watson or Irwin).
1. If it was "clearly his intent" how could he not "know"?
2. Dollars to donuts he knew when he signed the card.
3. Sure it matters.
Hale Irwin was the only person who knew his intent, and he immediately reported his intent to strike the ball. Cameron did not, but ultimately did the right thing, so it seems.
Whatever was going through Tringale's head the last week, at least he did the right thing in the end and the world will continue to spin.
The Telltale Heart started getting louder
Fire away.
"Did he know when he signed the card? We'll never know."
Sounds like you're contradicting yourself there.
He knew....
You must be new around here if you are wondering where the outrage over Tiger's rules infractions was on this site. The site was thick with it.
But it never hurts to troll, I guess.
Fire away.
Wow - my posts have been deleted for mentioning Eldrick's possible P.E.D. use and / or that he is a skank but "Firing Line" seems to have a little more freedom, yeah?
1. He whiffed it.
2. He knew he whiffed it.
3. He can count.
4. He recorded a 4.
5. He should have recorded a 5.
6. He allowed the person keeping his score to mark him for 4.
7. He should have told the person keeping his score to mark him for 5.
8. He played 7 more holes and said nothing.
9. Upon reviewing the cards he said nothing.
10. He knowingly signed for a 4 on #11 when he had actually made a 5.
11. He accepted $53,000 all while knowing he had signed an incorrect scorecard.
How is a suspension for cheating not in order?
Two other questions...
1. What's your affiliation with Tringale?
2. What's the statute of limitations on a free pass for cheating as long as one fesses up at some point later one? A week? A month? A year?