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PGA Long Drive Separating Point Getters From The Missers

In the moments I took in the PGA's resurrected Long Drive contest here at Valhalla, it became apparently pretty quickly that this was a great chance for the point getters to have a few minutes of fun.

And for the point missers to shine.

My item at The Loop.

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Reader Comments (66)

See, that seems like some good dumb fun.
I await BenSeattle's impassioned rebuttal. :)
08.5.2014 | Unregistered Commenterdbh
Fun stuff, Geoff. Glad you wrote it up.
08.5.2014 | Unregistered CommenterPasaplayer
Bubba - cowboy up. You are in the entertainment business, act like it. Who do you think you are, Eldrick?
"You may not have seen the longest drive today, but you saw the best drive today."

LOVE MAJ. Here's a man with awesome life balance.

Sour Puss doesn't merit a mention by name, what a shame. I wonder what he'd be doing for a living if he couldn't hit a golf ball?
08.5.2014 | Unregistered CommenterDJ Watts
Those who give it a go vs. those who don't has a more interesting dynamic to me that the Long Drive competition itself. It doesn't surprise me that Bubba and Pat Perez pouted their way through it.
08.5.2014 | Unregistered CommenterPJ
Any reason why he couldn't have hit a driver and then hit whatever club he needed for the practice?
08.5.2014 | Unregistered CommenterFred
@Fred that was the whole point of why his whining was ridiculous. It's a driver hole for everyone in the entire field, he even said "Yes, it's a driver everyday."

So if you're here to win a championship then prepare like it! I don't get it... okay so don't swing harder, just swing your normal self Bubba! He is getting more and more impossible to defend each time he opens his mouth.

His comments at the Open showed that he wasn't even close to having the right mindset to winning a championship, and this week it is more of the same. Really sad for a talented guy.
08.5.2014 | Unregistered CommenterChicago John
Is he the new Monty?

Scratch that, he's more childish than Monty. Overall, I'm glad that some of the bigger jerks on tour act out like this, because pro golf is such a milquetoast sport that we should embrace any variety we can find. But if I were a clever European fan at the Ryder Cup, it might not take many sarcastically witty comments to get him unhinged a bit.
08.5.2014 | Unregistered CommenterJim S
It is hokey that it took place during the practice round on the course, and Bubba is hokier for not participating. What a goof.
08.5.2014 | Unregistered CommenterEM
Long drive contest, fans picking hole locations -- this is the best member-guest ever -- hey, when is the decorated golf cart parade?
08.5.2014 | Unregistered CommenterCarl Peterson
It was OK for Jack freaking Nicklaus 50 years ago
08.5.2014 | Unregistered CommenterTom V
I'm going to avoid the rush and start hating him now.
08.5.2014 | Unregistered CommenterThe O
Bubba probably feels like he has everything to lose, nothing to gain on a LD contest. Probably wants to still be considered the longest player on tour (I'm pretty sure he's referred to himself in that way when it's come up), and is putting up a seriously weak excuse not to participate.
08.5.2014 | Unregistered CommenterPJ
I listened to his press conference today and when he answered this question and said he hit 3-iron just to prove his point, all I could think of was Jeff Spicoli's line to Mr. Hand: "YOU D*** "

Tom Watson has to be looking forward to having this time-bomb on his RC team.
08.5.2014 | Unregistered Commenterol Harv
I hope Bubba hit that 3 iron into the fairway, just so they could post his distance on the leaderboard all day....What about Rory? Did he participate?
08.5.2014 | Unregistered Commenterdsl
I didn't think I could any less of this guy's attitude, mark me down as colossally incorrect.

Doesn't care what people think of him, as long as those endorsement dollars keep rolling in. Keep it up, watch that stream run dry. And "Noun, verb, Bible" is a non sequitur. What does religion have to do with the 10th tee?

08.5.2014 | Unregistered CommenterDJ Watts
"I was just trying to prove a point that nobody cared about."

Story of my life, Bubba. Story of my life.
08.5.2014 | Unregistered Commenterringer
To DJ's first question: I wonder what he'd be doing for a living if he couldn't hit a golf ball? Answer: Driving the range picker at Tanglewood.
08.5.2014 | Unregistered CommenterMashie
I thought this was about FedEx® cup point getters, something I could not care less about.
08.5.2014 | Unregistered CommenterDuck!hooker

I'm suing you for personal injuries. You should have warned us of the extreme hokem coming from Bubba. Whining about the contest, then mentioning his Bible commitment. Rolled my eyes so hard that I hurt my neck.

Like someone else said, thanks for writing this up. Unintentional comic gold
08.5.2014 | Unregistered CommenterPete the Luddite

+1 on the Tanglewood reference.

I know Bubba married a girl from north of Toronto, is she from the Barrie area? I played a round at Maples of Ballantrae a couple of months ago and heard the buzz that they'd been in the area this spring visiting relatives.

I rooted for this nitwit last Masters weekend. Hero to Zero in ten seconds, flat.
08.5.2014 | Unregistered CommenterDJ Watts
@Mashie, you"re probably right but I doubt he'd keep that job long as you know he would be getting in confrontations with guys trying to hit him in his picker. Can't you just see him rolling around on the range wearing the suspenders he wore in his boyband video?
08.5.2014 | Unregistered Commenterol Harv
No original material, just enjoying a laugh at the comments:

"I'm going to avoid the rush and start hating him now."
"Tom Watson has to be looking forward to having this time-bomb on his RC team."
08.5.2014 | Unregistered CommenterBlue Canyon
So by Geoff's scorekeeping only 2 guys did not "get it"

156 players in the field, which means over 98.7% of the players did "get it"
08.5.2014 | Unregistered CommenterNo Longer
"Unintentional comic gold"

Ding ding ding ding ding!!!!!!!!
08.5.2014 | Unregistered Commenterol Harv
There's just not a whole lot going on in that lad's head. Oh well, onto weightier matters.

DJ, you know Maples of B? Played many a round there a few years back, how's it holding up?
08.5.2014 | Unregistered Commentermeefer
This is coming from the same guy that fired the crowd up before he hit a tee shot at the Ryder Cup. He should have just done a Happy Gilmore, gotten some laughs and moved on. That or hit wedge to make sure he was last.
08.5.2014 | Unregistered CommenterCheeks
I have an increasing suspicion that the future Mr Gretzky was not alone in his off course chemical activities...
08.5.2014 | Unregistered CommenterFT

It was in great shape considering the spring we had! It was my first time playing the course, and I couldn't complain. I wish I could say the same for my scoring, which was woeful as I don't get to play as much as I'd like. But hey, life could be worse!

08.5.2014 | Unregistered CommenterDJ Watts
<< See, that seems like some good dumb fun. I await BenSeattle's impassioned rebuttal. :) >>

Nah, DBH.... I caved on this a while back. It's lively, it's an exhibition and it is what it is. I still think three balls (two, maybe?) would provide a more representative winner but that sentiment is old news.

Worse, is that Bubba Watson's very public non-participation is subtracting from the purpose of the event: to make mundane Tuesday a bit more exciting for the FANS that turn out. His stance is the very definition of petulance and a demonstration of hypocrisy at it's highest. He maintains that "I'm here to prepare for a golf tournament" but on a 595-yard par-5 where he will hit driver in the tournament, he drags out a 3-iron just to be a public dick. Golf Channel's Aaron Oberholser's had it right when after Bubba's presser he termed the action a "slap in the face to the PGA."

We know Bubba Watson is an endearing hick, a guy who even today needs plenty of guidance from wife, caddy and support team. We know he has a breath-taking golf game and a personality that's quirky and usually appealing in it's honesty. But come on, Bubba.... are you trying, absolutely determined, to insure that those of us who are willing to accept the idiosyncrasies one day soon simply say "The HELL with this guy?"

Why are some people SO hard to like?
08.5.2014 | Unregistered CommenterBenSeattle
@dsl, re Rory,
from S Wei's twitter:
'McIlroy, who played 9, went outta his way to 10th to partake in long drive contest...'
No clue how he did, but I could hazard a guess. :)
08.5.2014 | Unregistered Commenterdbh
Bubba just doesn't get it and maybe he never will. Doesn't necessarily make him a bad guy, just clueless.
08.5.2014 | Unregistered CommenterCrisp
If the PGA Tour wanted a Long Drive Contest, they should not have placed it in the middle of a serious practice round for the players. It should have been on the side of the driving range where players could join-in as they when and if they wanted to.

I don't agree with how Bubba Watson said it, but I understand and agree with his intent.
@Ben, tell Ted that it was for FUN and the fans.
08.5.2014 | Unregistered Commenterol Harv
I love Bubba's self readoning - I know I'm being a d**k, but if I wave the inpenetrable shield of the Bible around, I can't be criticised.

Actually you can. Hitting one ball for charity costs you nothing but admiration. You d**k. I feel bad for your manager.
08.5.2014 | Unregistered CommenterCenter Cut
Earth to Bubba... There is no advice on how to play golf/ prepare for a Major in the Bible. It is a human endeavor in the realm of your free will. You have great physical talent that you were blessed with and have also worked very hard to perfect that talent. Use your free will to play the game you love and maybe use your free will to throw a bone to your many fans who would like to see you participate in the Long Drive contest.

Yes, you are too full of yourself in this case, but I still love to watch you play........
08.5.2014 | Unregistered CommenterStephenP
@Pete the Luddite +1

Re: About Bubba's statement: "I rolled my eyes so hard that I hurt my neck". I laughed so hard I hit my knee on the keyboard tray.
08.5.2014 | Unregistered CommenterStephenP
Bubba is one of God's most glorious creations.
08.5.2014 | Unregistered CommenterCW
@ dsl

McIlroy hit it 310.

Jason Day (I think) won with 338, with Woodland 2nd on 330.

Bubba's effort wasn't measured.
08.5.2014 | Unregistered CommenterCenter Cut
Publicity is money. Just count the comments on what every other golfer did today compared what Bubba did.

08.5.2014 | Unregistered CommenterJJ

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