The Independent: R&A Will Be Staying Away From Turnberry
Thanks to reader Jeff for The Independent On Sunday's James Cusack report claiming sources within the R&A have say the governing body has "privately decided that his reputation is now so toxic that the newly renamed Trump Turnberry can no longer host the game’s most prestigious tournament."
From Cusack's report:
Although the R&A is stuffed full of establishment figures, Turnberry with Trump is now seen as a risk they will not take. Another insider said: “2020 will not happen here. Turnberry will be back. But perhaps not Trump Turnberry.”

**For the first time, the European Tour, thought to be ready to take the Scottish Open to Trump International for three playings as recently as this summer, is distancing itself from Trump. James Corrigan reports.
When contacted on Saturday by Telegraph Sport, a spokesperson for the European Tour said: “In 2016, the European Tour will play in 26 countries across five continents. We are proud of this cultural diversity, which is one of our many strengths, and therefore we do not condone the comments made by Mr Trump. In terms of the Aberdeen Asset Management Scottish Open, we are still considering future locations and will make an announcement on that in due course.”
Reader Comments (54)
Host it at Gullane if you really need another venue- highly underrated course
If this is all about PC then I suggest the R&A do something positive to help balance the situation. How about the R&A start a caddie program for the refugees?
There, FTFY.
Sorry to hear you're quitting your R&A membership.
Good call by the R&A. Shame about the golf course, though, the changes look great and the course will no doubt be improved immensely. But Turnberry will find its way back in the rota, eventually. All things must pass.
How many other big shots, politicians, etc are members of trump courses? It's almost like all of this is contrived b.s.
Two things I'm pretty sure of....Shoal Creek never had a "club policy" that excluded anyone on race or religion....and, the quality of the courses on tour has dropped since the "questionnaire" era commenced!!
What do you think about many of Trumps past dealings involving bankruptcies and his opinion that it is just part of doing business, even when it is planned in advance, and the lack of media coverage/investigation into Trumps financial ''casualness'' in the past?
I'm curious, because you seem to be pretty balanced in your posts, and I usually agree with them, in general. I can't get a handle on why there has be virtually no reporting on his dealings, primarily from some years back.
I make no bones about my thoughts on Trump. I don't like him, and I didn't like him before he ever sniffed the POTUS game. And for you trolls, I don't like HRC either, just to let you know. I have always been an indy, and voted both sides of the aisle, or for no one at times.
Are you kidding me. Almost every politician says things they have no intention of doing yet people still support him or her because that person is on their political side. We have had horrible dysfunctional leadership for 16 years. Everybody needs to wake up and demand more from whoever they support. This site should skip the political bull crap and get back to golf.
Two things I'm pretty sure of....Shoal Creek never had a "club policy" that excluded anyone on race or religion....
Probably didn't need to specify be explicit about it. The questionnaire asks about the composition of the membership so the existence of a specific policy is necessary to raise the red flag.
>> and, the quality of the courses on tour has dropped since the "questionnaire" era commenced!!
A very small price to pay.
I think you are right about Doral, ETC, for example. But I am really referring to quite a while back, and honestly, I needed to spend time on my health and other things, and quit reading a lot of info from both RW,Moderate and LW publications. I used to get daily emails from a wide variety of opinions and just had to let it go, with kids and only 24 hours in a day.
Thanks for responding and Holiday Greetings.
''We have had *horrible dysfunctional leadership for 16 years'' (*HDL)
I think we have had HDL since LBJ, and then when Carter was in, the interest rates were given a free ride, like no time in history. Now we have legalized loan sharks called payday loans, etc, etc, and the HDL is in all 3 sections of DC, including the SCOTUS. I mean , corporations have more rights than people--what's wrong with this picture?
He has the right to say whatever he wants, equally the decision makers are free to decide not to allow their championships to be played at his courses.
How is his Freedom of Speech not being allowed?
what?...and lose all those clicks? no way!
That said, is the quote you reference above legitimate? Did Hall Thompson really say that? I'm not saying he didn't, just that I was unaware of it....
Carl, as for the "composition of membership", why would the USGA need to have a questionnaire filled out in order to ascertain such a thing? Surely they know their partner clubs better than that?
IIRC, A noted, and canonized, 3-time Major champion also said he and the boys were laughing about it in the locker room. Of course, he was "young" then.
Really? It surprises me that any material number of "unknown" clubs just appear out of the mist offering to host USGA championships....
Is this USGA "questionnaire" filling out process truly rigorous, meaningful, and needed? Or is it really just a box checking PR exercise?
Wonder when the last time was that a club filled one out and flunked?
Has any club ever filled one out and flunked?
If anyone cares, Shoal Creek is set up as a 501 and their 990 suggests the club is doing well. They have a 16 person board that appears to be diverse including a female director (very unusual), and if forced to guess I'd say there are at least 2 Jewish board members....can't determine race of any board member from the form!!!
They have hosted The Tradition (a PGA Tour senior major) for the last 5 years so presumably are in compliance from a questionnaire perspective....wonder how many black members there are today? And how many have there been since 1990?
Do you really believe The Donald hates muslims?