Twitter: GeoffShac
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  • The Future of Golf: How Golf Lost Its Way and How to Get It Back
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  • The Captain: George C. Thomas Jr. and His Golf Architecture
    The Captain: George C. Thomas Jr. and His Golf Architecture
    by Geoff Shackelford
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Video: Taking Your Golf Pilgrimage To East Lothian

Two years ago I filed this piece for Golf Digest about the importance of making East Lothian ("Scotland's Golf Coast") the sight of your golf pilgrimage. Not only does the area afford several of the most important places that shaped the game's history, but the opportunity to set up shop in one general area to enjoy a more centrally located golf vacation beckons.

After playing Glen Golf Club this evening (aka North Berwick East Links), I'm more convinced than ever that this is the planet's most idyllic place to experience the links game at its purest and most diversified. What a perfect, breathtaking and endearingly bizarre set of holes. (More on Glen tomorrow).

In the meantime, here's an UnShackled video to encapsulate my feelings for this special place. Check it out...

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Reader Comments (16)

Great post Shack. I was there two years ago and played Glen, Dunbar, North Berwick (twice), Craigielaw, Dirleton and Gullane #1. That only scratches the surface as there are at least 10-12 more great courses so close by. East Lothian has all the great golf you will ever need.
07.9.2015 | Unregistered CommenterJay A
Enjoyed that Geoff. Well done.
07.9.2015 | Unregistered CommenterBoyer
So, I just spent 10 minutes gliding through the Glen Golf Club website. Alas, I'll never I impress Lord Combover with my aspirations to be an overseas member of, say, this golf club and the one with three(!) courses in the village in Perthshire that I missed two summers ago due to a temporarily recalcitrant knee, when I might have visited. BTW, has the ED said anything more about being between the sheets in Bedminster?
07.9.2015 | Unregistered CommenterKLG
I wonder how many people watch this and have the feeling that a guy on television is describing to the world their favorite secret fishing spot.
07.9.2015 | Unregistered CommenterChuck

Alyth’s got 2 courses with Strathmore less than 2 miles away, however Chico is only 4 more miles away and he’s got two courses at his disposal, and a lot of sweaters.
Nicely done Geoff.

Should you ever find yourself unemployed then I feel sure the Scottish Tourist Board would love to have you aboard!
07.10.2015 | Unregistered Commentergaelgowfer
Another piece of advice for the UK-bound golfer: Never try to beat jet lag by spending your first night of the trip carousing at The Cavern in Liverpool. Especially when your only ride to Hoylake, to see the final round of the Open, leaves at 7:30 the next morning.
07.10.2015 | Unregistered Commenter3foot1
Our group could not get on North Berwick but a gentleman suggested we go up the street to the Glen Club. Glad we did. Just fabulous. Views along the Firth were spectacular. Loved the little par three, I think number 8.
07.10.2015 | Unregistered CommenterMike Stevens
No mention of Archerfield?
07.10.2015 | Unregistered Commenterotey

Archerfield may not pass the Geoff links test, much of it is a wee bit inland.

On the other hand, Winterfield, a municipal course in Dunbar, £25.00 a round, looks easy, only 5,169 off the tips, but has 8 par 3’s, the first being a brute on a breezy day. They've recently updated their website with some nice photos.

Its accessibility is similar to Gullane in that it is viewable from a car, hopefully Geoff can find the time to drive by.
Excellent. Thanks Geoff. I'm going to spend more time in Edinburgh next time. I suppose I'm like many in that I bypass the city and go straight to North Berwick/Gullane
07.10.2015 | Unregistered CommenterIan B
Having spent 9 nights in the Aberlady area this spring, my wife and I totally agree with the praise of he area. We played No.3 this trip and finally got to Luffness New. Both score high on my fun-golf scale. And No.3 is a real bargain.
07.10.2015 | Unregistered CommenterKen Oneputt
In the grip,

I played Dunbar in March, walked along the shore path from the Rocks hotel where I stayed. Got up to Winterfield where I could watch them play the first hole. Looked interesting, wish I had time then to play it, but didn't unfortunately. One day hopefully.
07.10.2015 | Unregistered CommenterEasingwold
Great advice for the site of a golf pilgrimage.

Meanwhile, I'll enjoy the sights from there via TV and the internet.
07.10.2015 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Matthew IV
I always liked this very natural presentation video Geoff did. I believe he has a very different passion for "old golf" and it comes across here. So many golf "commentators" put a spin on things; Geoff just loves the whole thing and reports HIS experiences there and gives some amazing history and travel info. Great job, Geoff.
07.11.2015 | Unregistered Commenternancy

Winterfield is good holiday golf, unless you put it on the beach or the bank on the first, it is pretty difficult to lose a ball. However it is links, usually breezy, so the approaches, short pitches, chips etc make it fun for most.

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