Robert Allenby's Returning To The Site Of His Alien Abduction
Soak up the fun at Kapalua. Because following an opening week of stars, humpback whales and what looks like another impressive Jordan Spieth performance, the Sony Open will deliver us back to reality with an OK field and...Robert Allenby.You may recall last year's lavish tale inspired by having watched one too many Taken movies. You know, the one that unraveled and included Allenby criticizing the woman who found him bloodied before giving her a gift before ultimately being loosely traced to a strip club.
Doug Ferguson reports that Allenby returns to the scene of it all next week on a one-year all-time money exemption. The vital recap for those who tried to block out the bad memories.
A Hawaii man was arrested a month later for using Allenby's credit cards to buy gift cards, jewelry and clothing. Owen Harbison was sentenced in August to five years.
Allenby stood by his story, saying the media blamed him when he was the victim. He says he suspects someone slipped a drug in his drink because he had total memory loss during a 2½-hour window from leaving the Amuse Wine Bar and being woken in the park.
Golf Channel cited unidentified sources in a strip club that Allenby was at Club Femme Nu and ran up a tab of $3,400. Honolulu Police Det. John McCarthy said the report was not true, and the police investigation showed Allenby was never in the strip club.
Allenby made only six cuts on the PGA Tour the rest of the year.
The Age included this report with Allenby's life changing advice for us all, minus the caveat that this only applies to people with big mouths, weird attitudes and a propensity for bar bickering.
"I'm very cautious, there's no question about it. Most important thing is you never leave a glass of wine or any drink unattached anywhere. And that's probably the best advice I could give anyone in the world because it's not a pleasant experience – especially the outcome of what could happen."
Reader Comments (15)
Allenby may be a loud-mouth with a desperately poor attitude and may well have deserved a good slap - however if Golf Channel reported in a sort of mock-prurient, curtain-twitching and false manner, one would hope they would at least have the intestinal fortitude to own up and apologise to their bullcrap.
Or has golf 'journalism' sunk so low?
As a former raging alcoholic, I can say that their comes a point where you become so blitzed that you blackout. You actually cannot go to sleep until your brain says you've had enough drinks. The guy is clearly a functioning alcoholic and it is affecting his job. The next step will be to loose his tour card and or cause an accident while driving.
You guys can't really be seriously thinking that was the cause of him ending up in the street, can you? Isn't it obvious that Robert has a serious issue with alcohol? Come on man! The only thing slipped into his drink(s) was alcohol, and lots of it.
I don't want down the middle - I'll be happy with true or false, right or wrong,
I'm not sure what the eligibility requirements are for such contests but I think consideration should be given to this comment
from Facebook (in reply to Geoff's posting there):
The story did make that insinuation but the Golf Channel has stood by their reporting which included sending a writer there, who interviewed all of the witnesses he could find.
Allenby's various stories, as well as some of the efforts by the police that seemed to make this go away (understandably given the negative PR in a tourism based economy), do make the entire thing confusing at best. Nefarious at worst.
If you were looking for a news portal and arrived here, there is something wrong with your browser. This is an all-things-golf blog.
Now, get lost.
Please expand on your "if Geoff's position was always safely down the middle", I didn't see that mentioned in the story?
Isn't that interesting.
Allenby is 31st all time in earnings (longevity is a wonderful thing).
Here's an ordered list of exemption types and players who fit in them:
Thanks again