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Kisner v. Palmetto Resolved: Players Runner-up Welcome Back

Maybe it was the site of half-naked millennials climbing on carts in between tequila shots that softened the blow, or maybe it was just the negative publicity, but either way, Kevin Kisner is back at his beloved Palmetto Golf Club. After a suspension for cart racing, Kisner and friends were given some time off, but Alan Blondin reports that Kisner has been welcomed back now, just in time for the defense of his outstanding runner-up 2015 Players finish.

Blondin writes:

He said he has been playing and practicing at the club since he was a child and is building a house on a fairway.

“I’m back in,” he said. “It was short-lived after we had a few discussions and cooler heads prevailed, I think. I haven’t been there, but I’m allowed in. It was super odd. I was totally blindsided by it. I think we’ve learned and we’ll move past it.”

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Reader Comments (15)

I believe this is what is known as 'knocking a few rough edges off of someone'.

We all have 20/20 hindsight.
05.9.2016 | Unregistered CommenterClacker
As with most club suspensions, it is not the length of the suspension, it is the embarrassment resulting from being suspended.
05.9.2016 | Unregistered CommenterConvert
I don't think Palmetto had anything to learn in this epsiode
How do you "defend" a runner up finish?
05.9.2016 | Unregistered CommenterPMW
+1 jonathan knoxville
05.9.2016 | Unregistered CommenterKS
Doesn't sound like Kisner really learned anything from this episode. He acted like a fool. He needs to acknowledge his mistake and quit blaming the club.
05.9.2016 | Unregistered CommenterGreg
"cooler heads...super odd...blindsided...we've learned" About what you would expect from a 32-year-old kid. The only question remaining may be which fraternity at UGA. My candidates, in order, are ΚΑ, ΣΑΕ, ΛΧΑ, ΣΧ, FIJI.
05.9.2016 | Unregistered CommenterKLG
do a willie nelson...but don't forget the irs
05.9.2016 | Unregistered CommenterMcAron
UGA FIJI's must be alot different than they were 30 years ago
05.9.2016 | Unregistered CommenterGarse
Just because you have a certain logo on your shirt doesn't mean your still not a redneck at heart. I say that with all due respect.
Is it just me, or does Kisner come off sounding like a knob?

Blindsided and cooler heads prevailing sounds like he felt he was unjustly called out
05.9.2016 | Unregistered CommenterSkip Breakfast
Skip Breakfast......concur, looks like he still doesn't get it. My sense is Kisner is a pretty good guy, but not particularly sharp.
05.9.2016 | Unregistered CommenterDTF
Kiz is a good ole boy and he's proud of it. He dips, he drinks Miller Lite, he drives a pick up with the big wide tires and from November to February he wears more camo than cotton. It's a whole image for many guys in the south and pulls it off. He doesn't apologize for who he is.
05.9.2016 | Unregistered CommenterWill Gillis
"...he drinks Miller Lite..."

Must have picked up a Bud Light endorsement, had one handy at all times in the video.
05.9.2016 | Unregistered CommenterDTF
Cat juggling

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