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Ryder Cup Should Be Fun: Rory On Phil & Rickie High-Fiving

The Feherty airing next Monday should be a keeper judging by this early snippet of Rory McIlroy telling David Feherty he wasn't too enamored with Phil Mickelson and Rickie Fowler rooting each other on at the 2014 PGA Championship.

"I was on a mission. I was chasing down Phil and Rickie, who were playing in front of us," McIlroy told the host. "They both got on a run. And I saw on the front nine they started to fist bump each other and high five each other. And that sort of annoyed me… You're both trying to win a major championship...I know I would never do it in a major. If someone started to play well, I’m trying to beat you. I’m not going to start fist bumping and high fiving you. I want to beat you."

Anyone up for a Phil/Rickie vs Rory/Anyone match?

The full clip:

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Reader Comments (31)

And then, with the help of the PGA official, he bulldozed his way right into their group on 18.
'they started to fist bump each other and high five each other'

How accurate is this statement? How many times did this happen? You see this all the time on Tour especially early in a round if one guy hits a great shot or holes out or something.

This looks like something Jordan (Michael that is) used to do where he would almost invent some reason to hate his opponents just to feed his own drive to win.
06.14.2016 | Unregistered CommenterGriffin
I believe Rory is friendly with both guys so this is pretty low level heat.
06.14.2016 | Unregistered CommenterTighthead
I agree with Ed's ghost.

He's on pretty thin ice bitching about that given what he and the PGA did to those guys on the 72nd hole.

06.14.2016 | Unregistered Commenterkenoneputt
I think our host is looking to make something out of nothing.
06.14.2016 | Unregistered CommenterSchlasser
Rory, Jordan, & Rickie can all play a practice round together but that doesn't mean they don't want to beat the tar out of each on in any tournament or the RC.

Likely the RC rosters will be filled with guys that like each out and play practice rounds together throughout the entire season. I don't have a problem with that because they will all turn it on when It matters. I really believe that the US is tired of getting beat in these things.
06.14.2016 | Unregistered CommenterJon
So typical of what makes this guy a closet jerk. Somehow whatever those two were doing in relation to their own mind games was all about Rory. It's common to see mutual congratulations when both competitors are on a roll for any number of reasons. You think if either had won the tournament he would have shared the trophy with the other, holding it with big smiles as the shutters clicked? What a self-centred individual.
06.14.2016 | Unregistered Commenterhammerwielder
" I really believe that the US is tired of getting beat in these things."

They've been tired for a while now Jon. If they keep using Captain's picks on guys like Mickelson, Furyk, Simpson, Mahan, Stricker, etc., it's not going to matter. News Flash: The rest of the world can play.
McIlroy had every right to play up - he asked the question of the PGA official if he could and got the green light. The sight of Bones bitching at a PGA official in the darkness was so unedifying. I remember thinking that if I were McIlroy (who as I recall, had only to get down in three to win, I would have marked my ball, made Fowler and Mickelson sweat it out and come back the next day, only to chop out of the bunker from a very nice lie and two putt my way to win.

If ever there was a tournament that showed that a slow pace of play doesn't get you the prize, that was it.

Fist-bumping your opponent in the last round of a major? I hope Fowler learns something from McIlroy here.
06.14.2016 | Unregistered CommenterClacker
More evidence that Rory was the instigator on the 72nd hole. I never bought that crap.
06.14.2016 | Unregistered CommenterForeRight!
Will Feherty ask him about the wedding break up via text message? Hard pass.
Yeah, Rory rushed and played up and then into the group ahead, the latter being one step too far. And he damn near sliced his tee shot into the water in his hurry IIRC. Now, that would have been poetic...or something. Anyway, this isn't MLB or NBA. You don't bean people or fight over flipped bats because someone "showed you up" whatever that means, and you certainly don't slap your opponent in the gonads. In golf, when he stabs you in the heart with a cool shot you congratulate him, even if the smile hurts.
06.14.2016 | Unregistered CommenterKLG
" I would have marked my ball, made Fowler and Mickelson sweat it out and come back the next day, only to chop out of the bunker from a very nice lie and two putt my way to win."

WTF are you talking about Clacker? They teed off and had every right to finish, regardless of what McIlroy wanted to do. He was waved up as a courtesy and is smart enough to realize that and then wait for them to finish the hole before playing his second, but instead he acted like a bull in a china shop and played up. Too dark to play the approach shot? Tough noogies, wait till tomorrow. PGA Tour officials would have never let him get away with what he did. He intimidated the PGA official who was used to making rulings against fellow club professionals, not one of the best players in the world. They prove that just about every year in this event. Ask DJ.
06.14.2016 | Unregistered CommenterMelvyn's niblick
@ Clacker - Melvyn is correct 100%. And the lateness had nothing to due with pace of play, it was because the greedy PGA of American and CBS refused to move up the tee times, trying to set up a 7:00 PM finish for ratings. Then when there was a rain delay, they were hosed. And something tells me if he called time from the bunker, he would have been "sweating" overnight way more than Ricky and Phil, who were at least in the house. He still had a shot to hit come the morning.
06.14.2016 | Unregistered CommenterBrianS
" I would have marked my ball, made Fowler and Mickelson sweat it out and come back the next day, only to chop out of the bunker from a very nice lie and two putt my way to win."

It's that rationale that has you struggling to break 90 and get your 4-iron airborne while Rory won the major championship. Good thing he didn't have you on the bag.
Yeah, Chako, but as McIlroy was a three-time winner in majors prior to that. I think he'd have handled it. So, ya know..

Plus, McIlroy didn't hit into any one. Fowler and Mickelson were asked if they could play their tee shots as they walked off of the first tee - Mickelson was still striding down a dip on the right side of the fairway in a rush to get to his 2nd shot as McIlroy's ball went over his head and stopped short of the water.

The McIlroy watched Phil and Fowler play up, and at that point, the PGA stopped Phil putting out - it was at that point that Bones lost his head and started finger-pointing.

Hitting in the back of the group ahead? Bullcrap, dude never made it to the green and never hit a shot without an official green lighting it.

If that does not fit your agenda, tough noogies. McIlroy would have iced those two the next day anyway. He put them out of their misery.
06.14.2016 | Unregistered CommenterClacker
All of the sudden Clacker loves Rory again?
06.14.2016 | Unregistered Commenterol Harv
Phil probably had a couple hundred grand on Ricky to win it!
06.14.2016 | Unregistered CommenterKingoftheCastle
"Plus, MCILROY DIDN'T HIT INTO ANY ONE. Fowler and Mickelson were asked if they could play their tee shots as they walked off of the first tee – Mickelson was still striding down a dip on the right side of the fairway in a rush to get to his 2nd shot AS MCILROY's BALL WENT OVER HIS HEAD and stopped short of the water."

Huh? A ball goes OVER MY HEAD and I'm not hit into?? Not following that..

It's pretty rudimentary that if having gotten permission you don't tee off with the group ahead beside you on the tee box or well off the green on a par 3 you wait until you are certain they are clear.
06.14.2016 | Unregistered Commenterhammerwielder
Rory was a wanker to play up there. He's a leprechaun . An evil leprechaun. A banshee will be visiting him for what he did. Maybe the banshee has already visited. Took away his putting prowess and made him a spoiled evil leprechaun.
06.14.2016 | Unregistered CommenterJJBeck
Do we know whether the PGA and CBS wanted the tournament to finish on Sunday? If that's what they wanted, then don't blame Rory.
06.14.2016 | Unregistered Commenter3foot1
Clacker goes both ways that is for sure.
06.14.2016 | Unregistered CommenterHot Wheels
@ Ol Harv - you know me, I appreciate some things about McIlory, but mostly find him no more than another dull wedge player. He's at his best when he has to hit a wood into a green, but otherwise he just morph's into any other B&G player.

HOWEVER, lets not be revisionist about this

@ hammerwielder

''Huh? A ball goes OVER MY HEAD and I'm not hit into?? Not following that..
It's pretty rudimentary that if having gotten permission you don't tee off with the group ahead beside you on the tee box or well off the green on a par 3 you wait until you are certain they are clear.''

As Wiesberger and McIlroy stepped onto the 18th tee, Mickelson and Fowler were walking off of it, having been held up by the group in front. Fowler and Mickelson were asked, by the PGA officials, if Wiesberger and McIlroy could tee off. They got the 'thumbs up' from Phil. As you walk down from the 18th tee, there is a dip where the players go out of sight from the tee - go on the Valhalla web course tourm it's clearly visible. When they were out of sight, McIlroy and Wiesberger tee'd off, over the top of Mickelson and Fowler. It was not hitting into Mickelson and Fowler, unless you expected McIlroy to thin a 100 yard wedge down the hill.

As it was, McIlory was two up standing on the 18th tee, Ricky was shot, having choked like a freakin dog when McIlory came after them. Phil knew he needed eagle but hit a poor 2nd in, made birdie on what was a pretty weak par 5 for these guys.

In the cold light of day, McIlory was coming off of two straight wins and was number one in the world at that time. There was only ever gonna be one winner.
06.14.2016 | Unregistered CommenterClacker
All I know is you never, ever, ever tee off into the range of a group ahead of you when they aren't looking straight at you and waiting for you to hit. I would have thought that was pretty rudimentary. And I would especially not tee off within range of a group that was out of my sight, no matter whose permission I thought I had.

And if Rory was such a lock and his win inevitable, why all the hurry anyway?
06.15.2016 | Unregistered Commenterhammerwielder
Rory and Fowler played a practice round together yesterday, so don't look for this to carry over to the Ryder Cup.
06.15.2016 | Unregistered CommenterTighthead
''All I know is you never, ever, ever tee off into the range of a group ahead of you when they aren't looking straight at you and waiting for you to hit''

They were not playing your $5 Saturday roll-up.

''And if Rory was such a lock and his win inevitable, why all the hurry anyway?''

Ask the PGA.
06.15.2016 | Unregistered CommenterClacker
the urban dictionary is a bit harsh on a handle used here
06.15.2016 | Unregistered Commenterjust saying
The "hitting into" happened more on Rory's second shot than on the tee ball. The TV commentators at the time mentioned that Phil and Ricky had given the green light for the tee balls. That permission was customary because teeing off prior to the horn being sounded enabled Rory to decide if he wanted to finish the hole. Strangely, as far as I know, they never blew a horn, I guess it didn't matter so they never did.

But the second shot into the green was the one that ticked off Phil and Bones. That was totally unprecedented. Faldo was going off about it on TV. Rory was certainly within his rights to stop and wait until the AM, but hitting up into that group was not within the norm. He did get the PGA officials ok,though, I'm not saying he broke any rules, but it was just irregular and odd.

And yes, making bogey for Rory from the rough seems like it was unlikely at any time - but the AM was supposed to be rainy. What it there was a 25 mph wind back into his face with a rainstorm going on ? You risk that or you are hitting it into the dark up by the green.
06.15.2016 | Unregistered CommenterBrianS
and it is entirely appropriate
06.15.2016 | Unregistered Commenterjust saying too
Nothing good has ever come from Rory talking.
06.15.2016 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Ball Jr.
John Ball Jr. Nails it.
06.16.2016 | Unregistered Commenterthusgone

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