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Trump In Scotland: Reuters, WaPo Analyze His Projects

On the eve of Donald Trump's arrival at Turnberry to re-open the famed course in the middle of the campaign, both Reuters and the Washington Post look at the finances of each course's purchase and development. Both stories conclude that Trump's efforts in Scotland have not been great successes as businesses but the stories seem a little light on long term vision for how a golf course purchase and re-investment potentially could pay off.

Given the lack of promised development at Aberdeen, the conclusion by the Washington Post's Jenna Johnson seems reasonable, but the Reuters piece by Tom Bergin case leans hard on Turnberry and Doonbeg, which seems wildly premature given that the courses haven't been re-opened to golfers with the new, uh, vision. (I'm hoping to report from Turnberry in a few weeks, but everything I've seen and heard looks like spectacular work by Mackenzie and Ebert.)

Jenna Johnson's story from the Washington Post included this:

According to reports filed with the British government, Trump said the Aberdeen course has lost more than 4.71 million pounds since 2012 — the equivalent of $6.9 million at current exchange rates. British authorities were told that the course lost 1.14 million pounds, or about $1.67 million, in 2014 alone.

Yet in a July 2015 disclosure filed with the U.S. Office of Government Ethics, Trump valued Aberdeen at “over $50 million” and put his income from the course at $4.2 million between mid-2014 and the end of 2015.

A similar pattern holds for records filed for his Turnberry golf resort on Scotland’s west coast, which he will also visit this week, and at a third Trump course in Ireland’s County Clare — millions in losses reported in overseas records, millions in profits reported on U.S. forms.

Trump told Bloomberg News, which first reported on the gap between the reports, that the amounts he listed on his U.S. filings were “projected future income.”

Trump’s son Eric, who takes the lead in golf course developments, said in an interview that the U.S. disclosure forms report gross revenue, not net income. He also said the British and Irish courses are losing money only because the Trump Organization is spending aggressively to turn them into leading international resorts.

“We are incredibly pleased with Aberdeen,” Eric Trump said. “. . . It is the most beautiful course I have ever seen. It is a spectacular project that will continue to be the gem of Trump Golf for years to come.”

From Bergin's story:

How great his golf course investments have been is debatable. A Reuters examination of them shows that Trump has likely lost millions of dollars on his golf projects. The analysis shows high costs and modest current valuations. Using conservative estimates of the amount Trump has spent, he may be breaking even or making modest gains; on higher estimates – based on whatTrump has said he is spending – he’s losing money.

Trump disputes the analysis. He said Reuters’ calculations overestimated what he had spent and underestimated the value of his investments. He declined to provide figures for his expenditure on courses or their current or future market values.

“The golf courses are doing very well. Every one of them makes a lot of money,” said the author of the “Art of the Deal.” “They are not really golf investments, they’re development deals.”

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Reader Comments (23)

Had the Turnberry ladies team at my club yesterday. They thought the changes were awesome.
06.23.2016 | Unregistered CommenterChico
We lose money too.
06.23.2016 | Unregistered CommenterTrump Ferry Point
I am no Trump supporter, but this is another in a very long line of WaPo hit pieces on Trump. For the most part, all have had a grain of truth but are mainly yelling fire where there is a bit of smoke.
06.23.2016 | Unregistered CommenterCheeks
Forget his -politics. He's great for golf. Buys distress courses and makes them great. Give it up...
06.23.2016 | Unregistered CommenterLaurel creek
How much will his real estate make at trump Dorsl .?

There's a lot more to some (not all) of these deals thana biased peek
06.23.2016 | Unregistered CommenterLou Loomis
" He's great for golf. Buys distress courses and makes them great."

Explain how that's great for golf please. I'm kind of dumb.
06.23.2016 | Unregistered CommenterFrank
Dumber than a bucket of hair. And he knows hair.
06.23.2016 | Unregistered Commentertlavin
Or a hair-like substance.
06.23.2016 | Unregistered CommenterKLG
He was oblivious to the brexit vote too.
06.23.2016 | Unregistered CommenterRedneck
Just played golf with someone who's uncle was president of a very huge US bank, everyone here knows the bank, the uncle had one rule that would get you fired immediately.....,,,loaning money to Donald Trump. And for all you trump supporters, did you know Roy Cohn was his mentor
06.23.2016 | Unregistered CommenterV60
1,200 jobs were promised by the Donald. Only 90 to 150, mostly seasonal jobs were delivered. That's a fact. It's easy to see why Trump banned WaPo from his campaign -- they're showing how he operates with little regard for facts and truth. Everything to him is a bargaining offer and a sales tactic.
Trump's inability to borrow money from banks is just proof that he's his own man and can't be owned by the finance industry like Corrupt Hellary.
06.23.2016 | Unregistered CommenterAkronGolfMan
@Laurel Creek You really mean that Trump is good for high end private clubs and resort courses. He's done nothing for everyone else.
06.23.2016 | Unregistered CommenterSteven T.
I think you have to take the long view of aa real estate developer. In 15 years, the value may reach his levels. That's the way a developer has to think. We all wish we had bought some of that central Florida land near Kissimmee 30 years ago, right?
I do not support the Hairpiece, but think I understand how he views his investments.

Played Dunbeg two years ago. It was nice before they began to rip it up. Curious as to what is has become. The locals were not in love with Trump Organization.
06.24.2016 | Unregistered CommenterAwesome Dad
Well, Britain has enough in its plate this morning without dealing with Donald Trump and his triumphalism -- something shown by none of the winning side in the referendum. Get back, get back, get back to where you once belonged.
06.24.2016 | Unregistered CommenterV.Lind
The golf courses will be toast in a few years just like everything else the Donald touches. He knows nothing
Where has golfin dolphin gone? Was looking forward to one more "get used to the term President Trump"
Chako...hat -- can't you just be pleased that all the Brits who mocked Trump's xenophobic rise are now forced to descend from their high horses and hang their own heads in shame?

Get used to "President Trump, you Cucks!" -- inserted to satisfy your nostalgic yearning.
06.24.2016 | Unregistered CommenterBrexit
Can trump get any dumber? Markets in a free fall and he aligns himself square with the reason why??? So what happens when you get elected Donny boy? Another 2008? Trump supporters you are complete fools and idiots.
If only they did. Both could use an introduction to one.
06.24.2016 | Unregistered CommenterV.Lind
But His Hair-ness looks at the big picture....he thinks the BREXIT will have a huge benefit to his Trump Turnberry (have a hard time typing that) Resort.......tell me it can't happen in November to the USA?!
06.26.2016 | Unregistered CommenterPrincipal's Nose
Wish I could, PN.
06.26.2016 | Unregistered CommenterV.Lind

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