Task For Bros: Tiger And Phil Show They're Friends, But Will They Hang Around When The Other Wins (Again)?
Of course not, but it's still nice to see these two rivals and Task Force partners sharing in the celebratory mood and no doubt thanking their bud Tom Watson for helping bring everyone closer together. Next thing you know they'll be hanging out by the 18th green the next time one of them wins a golf tournament. This big hug followed Team USA's 2017 Presidents Cup win.
After play, the two insisted it's the media's fault for not seeing what friends they are, reports Will Gray for GolfChannel.com. Tiger:
“I think the press has made it out to be more than what it has been. We’ve been friends for a very long time,” Woods said. “We’ve had some tough moments where we’ve lost some cups, and also the flip side is we’ve had some great success. Hopefully, going forward, we can continue doing it.”

Reader Comments (12)
Quite honestly, not much different than the Jack vs. Arnie climate back in the day. Except the internet didn't exist then. And then they became good and genuine friends. No reason Phil and Tiger can't do the same thing.
Much of their "perceived" animosity was, in no small part, due to the mouth of Stevie Williams.
I remember literally butting heads with guys for years in rugby and dislike evolved into respect, which often evolved into genuine friendship. As you age and deal with in-laws, taxes and prostate exams, those old rivals don't seem so bad after all.
And yes they did grow closer after both had retired, but continued to compete fiercely with each other designing and building golf courses.
Martin Davis
"Jack Nicklaus: Simply the Best!"
Keep in mind, Arnold was 11 years older than Jack, and when Jack came on the scene, Arnold had already won 4 majors and was clearly the top American golfer. Phil is only 5 years older than Tiger, and had only been on Tour for 3 years when Tiger turned Pro. He was still very much a young up and comer (albeit one with 8 or 9 Tour wins, in August 1996, Phil had not yet cracked the top 10 in the world) vs. an established superstar. Tiger, quite naturally, turned to older guys like O'Meara to the extent someone was going to take him under their wing, but I think the ethos provided by his father did not really see him as anyone's protege or what have you. So quite a different dynamic in the early years, and of course then Tiger ran off many majors before Phil even won his first in 2004.
Then a dislike would seem natural, or deserved.
we all ''know'' Tiger's work ethic, and it became obvious that for all his natural talent, Phil has to work his butt off to be as sharp as he has shown, and when he doesn't put in the time, he doesn't make the shots. It would be a good thing for them to be close, but I don't think they will ever be ''friends'', just too different a mindset and history. IMO.
None tougher than 2004 RC when Tiger looked disgusted at some of the shots Phil was hitting and attempting. And there was always the Phil comment about Nike clubs. Yeah, it was the media Phil.
I don't see these guys ever being BFF's.