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They're Back...Sort Of, The Costco Kirkland Is Back In Some Form

Thanks to all who sent the GolfWRX post identifying the latest Costco "Kirkland" ball to be offered for sale, just as the CEO promised in January. The original drew great attention and reviews and after selling out, has become a much-demanded cult classic.

While they are billing it as the same ball with "Hot List" branding, the current iteration is only for sale to Costco members, with a 2-order-per-membership limit and no certainty the latest ball is the same as the last (given that it was likely a one-off production run of old Taylor Made cores).

Nonetheless, it spices up discussions about the ball, adds more intrigue to the lawsuits and whether this is a legitimate contender in the golf ball market, as some originals proved to be, or just an occasional stunt.

Here they are Costco members...

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Reader Comments (9)

Please let this ball put Titleist out of business. They are so tremendously overrated and overpriced.
10.18.2017 | Unregistered CommenterDavidC
Assuming there is no Kirkland Ball manufacturing plant, dose anyone know what companies are involved in the production of the balls' components and eventually, the balls?
I found one the other day and played it for a couple of holes. Around the greens I sensed no difference, but on full shots it didn't feel as soft. My two cents.
10.19.2017 | Unregistered CommenterEM
Agree, DavidC. For many years I've played any ball but Titleist and Nike. Both overrated and overblown companies.
10.19.2017 | Unregistered CommenterFC
Jumped on it yesterday and ordered mine. Should arrive today. I have only seen one in person. I am wondering about how many have been produced? As of today, they still appear in stock online. A year ago when the hype began, they would re-stock and the link would break within an hour and they would be sold out. Curious to see how these play compared to the ball I play, Bridgestone B-330S.
10.19.2017 | Unregistered CommenterBrandon
I've been playing them since they first came out. I bought some extras yesterday. You can't buy a better ball for that price. Although my first batch had shipping included!
10.19.2017 | Unregistered CommenterElChapin
I'm a crappy player, and play better with non-urethane balls...they require too much club head speed, though I do like the spin on the rare well hit iron/pitch.

One of the few times being bad at something pays dividends!
10.19.2017 | Unregistered CommenterManku
out of stock. already.
10.19.2017 | Unregistered Commenterjack
10.19.2017 | Unregistered CommenterP Thomas

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