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Bridgestone CEO: Tiger More Valuable As An Endorser Than He Is As A Player

Catherine Campo at CNBC summarizes Bridgestone CEO Angel Ilagan's assertion that Tiger "on board" is spurring growth for the game and Bridgestone.

More fascinating is Ilagan's assertion that Tiger is better endorsing than playing.

"He actually has more power as an endorser than he does as a player," the CEO said.

He added that Woods is "the Michael Jordan of golf" and "the single golfer who's had the greatest impact of bringing consumers into [the game]."

Ilagan's suggested that as long as Woods is around (on or off the green), the golf industry is safe.

"I think the industry is in a little bit of panic, although it really need not be," he added.

All of the delusional talk can be viewed here...

Bridgestone bets on Tiger from CNBC.


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Reader Comments (13)

I remember meeting players who played Nike equipment because Nike was hip and Tiger played Nike.

I highly doubt that B'stone will reap the benefits of turnover from former Nike players.
10.3.2017 | Unregistered CommenterHardy Greaves
he has zero value as a player so his value as an endorser can't be any worse!
10.3.2017 | Unregistered Commentergary
I think there is some truth to it. If they make commercials with Tiger where he repeats how great the ball is and how it's the best ball for everyone's game, it's somewhat believable. If they hear it repeated enough, some people might even pick up a dozen next time they are buying balls. However, if they see him playing, it could be so negative and disastrous that they wouldn't want to touch anything that he plays with....
10.3.2017 | Unregistered CommenterPress Agent
Not sure about that marketing strategy - might be a better fit as an endorser for Merck Pharmaceutical - they have a line of products that he actually uses.
10.3.2017 | Unregistered CommenterKeith
@ Keith. You just won the Post of the Day Award.

As long as he doesn't jack the price of the ball up to the Kirkland...I mean Titleist level. I like finding my B330-S on eBay cheaper than in the store.
10.3.2017 | Unregistered CommenterBrandon
Bridgestone also makes great clubs, you just can't find them anywhere including their golf ball ads.
10.3.2017 | Unregistered CommenterPerkins
Tiger? Really? Why would I want anything Tiger endorsed? **shudder**
Now, hang on, were the tires on his SUV Bridgestones? If so he's not their best option as an endorser.
10.3.2017 | Unregistered CommenterDrBunsenHoneydew
They were good balls. How should I know, I haven't played in over a year. Good feel off irons and putter.

Doesn't Freddy play their clubs? I have never seen any in a store. I am juiced about the Hogan clubs, and they are direct ; no retail mark up. Can't wait to give them a go, soon, soon dam, I hope soon.

10.3.2017 | Unregistered Commenterdigsouth
Great posts...great sense of humour, thats what I love about this blog!
Keep the funnies coming.
10.4.2017 | Unregistered CommenterRoute66
@dig -

Isn't the new Hogan company in some kinda trouble??

I still game my 2001 Apex Edge (last model still forged in Ft. Worth) ... love 'em. Also have a mint set of '99 Apex blades ... and I still actually game the Hogan 3 hybrid as well.

lol - just realized I also have a bunch of mint Hogan Tour Deep golf balls that I use when playing well. Great in the wind, and probably the best putting ball I've ever used.
10.4.2017 | Unregistered CommenterConfused
"I also have a bunch of mint Hogan Tour Deep golf balls " If they're "wound" construction, the shelf life is only 5 years I've heard.
10.4.2017 | Unregistered CommenterGutta Percha
@gutta -

could be true ... still longer than the shelf life of any game I can muster that deserves such a fine ball. :)
10.5.2017 | Unregistered CommenterConfused

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