Taylor Made And PXG Escalating Patent Squabbles
There are plenty of juicy details in Mike Stachura's GolfDigest.com story on Taylor Made's counterclaim against PXG, including the TM effort to get most of PXG's current line off the market. The claim comes after PXG sued Taylor Made in September with one group of lawyers who have since withdrawn from representing PXG.
From Stachura's report:
PXG subsequently has brought in new lawyers for its case and its original lawyers withdrew in October. The new PXG lawyers include Brian Lacorte, an intellectual property lawyer with the Ballard Spahr firm based in Phoenix.
TaylorMade’s lawyers, from the Washington, D.C.-based intellectual property litigation firm Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein and Fox and the Phoenix-based Beuss, Gilbert, also requested that PXG’s case be dismissed for “failing to plausibly allege” that the P790 irons “practice even a single claim of the asserted patents.”
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