ClubCorp Sells After All: For $1.1 Billion To Apollo Global
Reuters' Greg Roumeliotis reports that the publicly-traded company owning 206 clubs and serving over 400,000 members, including at Mission Hills and Firestone, has sold to Apollo Global Management.It's an all-cash, $1.1 billion deal netting shareholders $17.12 a share, a 31% premium over Friday's closing price.'s business writer Paul O'Donnell noted this:
Sunday's announcement comes about three months after ClubCorp's board said it would not seek a sale. Longtime CEO Eric Affeldt announced at the same time that he would be retiring. A month later, the company added two new directors at the behest of activist investor FrontFour Capital Group LLC, which had been critical of ClubCorp's management.
Reader Comments (6)
The greatest assets we have in our game is our courses - just wish they would reflect themselves more as golf course than country parks, because Golf Courses require that hint of wild nature much missed in these modern enlighten (apparently) times.
By the way who do you think actually got the best deal?
MJR has it right. The inevitable PE squeeze will will feel like Cartman's first episode encounter with aliens in South Park's Season One.
Waiting list to get out, vs incoming member number.
There is potential, and a lot of work to do