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"Golf has a new place in Ben Curtis' life"

Golf World's Dave Shedloski catches up with Ben Curtis and the former Open Champion isn't exactly leaving the game, but he's also not going to be playing any more PGA Tour golf.

Like Charlie Wi, the 2003 Open winner is going to use his wisdom and experience to help aspiring players.

This spring, Curtis plans to unveil the Ben Curtis Golf Academy at Country Club of Hudson, a private club about 15 miles from his home. His goal is to not merely teach the golf swing, but impart knowledge on the whole game to youngsters interested in high school or college golf or who have aspirations of a pro career.

“I want to talk to young players about the whole aspect of being a golfer at a certain level,” he explained.

“Practical things like drills and practice but also physical training, nutrition, what tournaments to play in. How do you prepare for college? How do you get your name out there? And it’s working with parents as well, so they know what to do and how to support their kids.”

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Reader Comments (6)

Ben Curtis was the best 3 handicap to ever play on the PGA Tour.
01.20.2018 | Unregistered CommenterGolfin’ Dolphin
“3 handicap”? Dude won four events, including a major, and earned over $13M. Fantastic career.
01.21.2018 | Unregistered CommenterSEC
What is the usual cost of enrollment in such a golf academy?
@Golfin’ Dolphin, you enjoy being cruel, do you? Pretty sad effort on your part.
01.21.2018 | Unregistered CommenterBuffett
I wish him well. The cynic/businessman/entrepreneur in me tosses up several red flags:

Broaden his market: a very small % of players are capable of participating at the collegiate level.
Hudson OH is not exactly on many people's "to see" list as far as destinations.

I do wish him well.....
01.21.2018 | Unregistered CommenterCroDad
Good luck Ben.
01.21.2018 | Unregistered CommenterCgar

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