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Pat Perez, Skipping His West Coast Swing Home Events, Complains About Ryder Cup Points Process

Playing the Dubai Desert Classic instead of his hometown events in San Diego (this week) and Scottsdale (next week) apparently freed up Pat Perez to gripe about his poor Ryder Cup standing despite a strong fall.

Speaking in Dubai where he's presumably cashing a nice appearance fee in lieu of picking up Ryder Cup points, Perez lamented the task forces' thinking.

From Ewan Murray's Guardian story:

“I won in Malaysia and I finished fifth in Korea and I didn’t get any points for the American side,” Perez said. “That upset me a little bit. I’m 13 on the list, but I should be probably three or four.

“So it kind of put a bitter taste in my mouth; the fact that you win on the PGA Tour, you beat some good players and yet you don’t get any points because of whatever our committee has decided to do.

“In my opinion if you win the same year of the Ryder Cup, you should get the points."

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Reader Comments (24)

Way to go Pat... reading those comments I'm sure Furyk is thinking, "Now THAT'S the kind of all-in team player I'm looking for"....

Or not.
01.23.2018 | Unregistered CommenterRobopz
Well does kinda suck he gets no credit for his solid Fall run. But playing well during theFall of 2017 doesn’t translate into solid form in the Fall of 2018. Having hot hands going into the Ryder Cup is the primary reasoning of the current point system. Shooting off the mouth doesn’t help Pat if he needs a captain’s pick. But I do believe he would be very strong in the matches. He can be in the “don’t give a crap” “pod” with Patrick Reed.
01.23.2018 | Unregistered CommenterBooyahs
”If you win the same year of the Ryder Cup [sic] you should get the points”. You do, Pat. You won in 2017. The Ryder Cup is played in 2018.
01.24.2018 | Unregistered CommenterHawkeye
Now thats the kind of talk the Europeans want to hear.
01.24.2018 | Unregistered CommenterBDF
If Pat wants Ryder Cup points then he can stay in the US and compete against better competition than you'll find in Malaysia and Korea. I'm not saying there aren't good players over there, but c'mon... there's a reason we only give Ryder Cup points for certain events. Hell, I won a local city tournament last year, should I also receive Ryder Cup points?
01.24.2018 | Unregistered CommenterDS
At this point in his career Pat should take care of Pat. He has never been "one of the boys" out there and survived shoulder surgery to win again. But he will never be welcomed into that world. Up to now he seems to have embraced it but I just don't see him handling all the pomp in Paris very well. John Daly never played on a RC team and he won 2 majors. Sadly there is a lot more to the RC than just golf.
01.24.2018 | Unregistered Commentermunihack
DS... I get where you're coming from, but not sure about dogging Perez on the quality of the events he's playing. Last fall's Malaysia, Korea and the WGC were about the best 3 fields of the fall he could get into anywhere. And ToC was pretty stout. OK... so he takes advantage of a little appearance money sugar in two events this year... lots of guys do. But even at that, this week in Dubai is no chump field either, probably one of the top-4 or 5 of the year for the regular ET schedule.... obviously Singapore not so much.

But still... if he's gonna be playing Singapore and Dubai instead of PGAT counting events, he's got ZERO standing to complain about the RC points system. Now give me the guy who's taking every PGAT opportunity he can get to earn RC points and I'd be WAY more inclined to listen... Perez, not so much.
01.24.2018 | Unregistered CommenterRobopz
I think we need to contact the Task Force and ask them to create a committee to study the matter. Then they can pass along their findings to a sub-committee who in turn can run the numbers and hand-deliver their analysis to a Blue Ribbon Commission of Blue Blazered Attorneys that can meet in Ponte Verde for a weekend and then present their suggestions to the aforementioned sub-committee who can then table their discussion until the 2024 Ryder Cup when it's held back here in the ole US of A.

OK. We have a foolproof plan. If we can just convince the self-appointed Czar of the Ryder Cup (Paul Azinger) to sign on the recommendation we'll be ready to hold a press conference.

On 2. Ready? Break!!
01.24.2018 | Unregistered CommenterCroDad
@Robopz - Fair enough. It was probably wrong of me to generalize those events as inferior without actually checking into it much. But yeah, like you said, Pat really can't complain about not getting Ryder Cup points when he's knowingly playing in events that don't earn him Ryder Cup points. I'm just not sure how he worked it out in his head where he thought this would be a good thing to complain about. He knows the process and rules. Start playing in events that get you points and you won't need to worry about it.

@CroDad - Sounds like a fool-proof plan!
01.24.2018 | Unregistered CommenterDS
As DS says in the post above, he knows the process and rules. And, amazingly, the process and rules are the same for everyone. Pretty simple. Isn't that right, Pat?
Same guy on and off the course. Remember meltdown in fairway at Pebble. Now puts a gripe out there after flying over on Sergio's G5, likely receiving enough appearance money for the events to keep him in hair gel for the next few years, and pisses and moans about a team he will never make. Claims he would be 3rd or 4th on the list right now? That's a good chuckle.
01.24.2018 | Unregistered Commenterjimbo
On one hand, it is nice that he's not giving the buttoned down non-response to a question that most professional athletes have down to a science today... With Pat, you know you're getting unfiltered truth, as he sees it. However, that attitude did bite his buddy Elk in the ass... On the other hand, the rules are out there for everyone to see... Even I can look them up and understand where you do and don't get points.

sour grapes, and much ado about nothing... you have 7 months ahead of you to earn your way onto the team... Shut up and play well.
01.24.2018 | Unregistered CommenterBob
Pat needs to hustle for cash to take care of that annoying wife. Peas in a pod.
01.24.2018 | Unregistered CommenterT
Good points, DS. That said, one or two jerks on a RC team is okay.
01.24.2018 | Unregistered CommenterFC
At 17 in the OWGR Pat has 6 US players ahead of him.
What’s the going rate for a pat Perez appearance?
01.24.2018 | Unregistered CommenterGolfin’ Dolphin
Jim "Mr. Ryder Cup" Furyk is going to be forced to pick Woods and Mickelson. Hopefully, he'll pair them in both the morning and afternoon session to ensure Euro victory.
01.24.2018 | Unregistered CommenterT

The "year" Pat was referencing started the first week of October with the Safeway Open in Napa and concludes with the Ryder Cup the last week in September. In addition, the tournaments in Malaysia and Korea are officially sanctioned PGA Tour events and appear on the official PGA Tour calendar. The money won in those events also counts for the official money list and the FedEx Cup.

Sounds like Pat's point is a fair one.
01.24.2018 | Unregistered CommenterTrapper
Would Mrs Furyk have to order a special hat for Pat since he thinks he's still 21 and likes to go with the snapback look? That actually could be a deciding factor. Did he ever apologize for yelling at that little kid after he missed a putt on 18 to blow a tournament? Has Tiger ever forgiven Pat for publicly affirming that yes Tiger was blading and chunking pitch shots on the driving range? What an absolute ***hole.
01.24.2018 | Unregistered CommenterKPK
@Trapper - Let's not forget that it was at Phil Mickelsons urging with the RC "task force" that the PGA Tour fall events should not earn RC points.
01.24.2018 | Unregistered CommenterOWGR Fan
@OWGR Fan,

Wonder what his logic was there?
01.25.2018 | Unregistered CommenterTrapper
@ Trapper
I expect the logic was this: Historically the bigger names don't play the fall events so don't want to trail too much in RC points when they tee it up in January. The easiest way to remove that competition is to apply zero RC points to those events. They still get Fedex points but which they would probably prefer anyway.
01.25.2018 | Unregistered Commentermunihack
Interesting observations @munihack thanks. Thing is the events in Malaysia/Korea/China aren't pedestrian Fall events of yesteryear. They pay purses of $7.0/$9.25/$9.75 million respectively (RSM is $6.2 million). Only a handful of events pay larger purses than events in Korea/China.

Who should be held more accountable, Phil for using his influence to stack the situation in his favor or Pat for pointing it out?!? Personally I think Pat has made a very fair point.
01.25.2018 | Unregistered CommenterTrapper
@trapper -- munihack has summed it up nicely for the RC points. One note is that the WGC in Shaghai awards RC points for the US team. The irony in the fall PGA Tour events not giving RC points is that Phil finished 3rd at the Safeway event (which Phils management company runs) which would have given him RC points for his top 10 finish. That said no matter how Phil plays in 2018 he will be a captains pick by Furyk for the RC. Even if he misses every cut between now and the RC cutoff date.
01.25.2018 | Unregistered CommenterOWGR Fan

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