Pat Perez, Skipping His West Coast Swing Home Events, Complains About Ryder Cup Points Process
Playing the Dubai Desert Classic instead of his hometown events in San Diego (this week) and Scottsdale (next week) apparently freed up Pat Perez to gripe about his poor Ryder Cup standing despite a strong fall.
Speaking in Dubai where he's presumably cashing a nice appearance fee in lieu of picking up Ryder Cup points, Perez lamented the task forces' thinking.
From Ewan Murray's Guardian story:
“I won in Malaysia and I finished fifth in Korea and I didn’t get any points for the American side,” Perez said. “That upset me a little bit. I’m 13 on the list, but I should be probably three or four.
“So it kind of put a bitter taste in my mouth; the fact that you win on the PGA Tour, you beat some good players and yet you don’t get any points because of whatever our committee has decided to do.
“In my opinion if you win the same year of the Ryder Cup, you should get the points."
Reader Comments (24)
Or not.
But still... if he's gonna be playing Singapore and Dubai instead of PGAT counting events, he's got ZERO standing to complain about the RC points system. Now give me the guy who's taking every PGAT opportunity he can get to earn RC points and I'd be WAY more inclined to listen... Perez, not so much.
I think we need to contact the Task Force and ask them to create a committee to study the matter. Then they can pass along their findings to a sub-committee who in turn can run the numbers and hand-deliver their analysis to a Blue Ribbon Commission of Blue Blazered Attorneys that can meet in Ponte Verde for a weekend and then present their suggestions to the aforementioned sub-committee who can then table their discussion until the 2024 Ryder Cup when it's held back here in the ole US of A.
OK. We have a foolproof plan. If we can just convince the self-appointed Czar of the Ryder Cup (Paul Azinger) to sign on the recommendation we'll be ready to hold a press conference.
On 2. Ready? Break!!
@CroDad - Sounds like a fool-proof plan!
sour grapes, and much ado about nothing... you have 7 months ahead of you to earn your way onto the team... Shut up and play well.
The "year" Pat was referencing started the first week of October with the Safeway Open in Napa and concludes with the Ryder Cup the last week in September. In addition, the tournaments in Malaysia and Korea are officially sanctioned PGA Tour events and appear on the official PGA Tour calendar. The money won in those events also counts for the official money list and the FedEx Cup.
Sounds like Pat's point is a fair one.
Wonder what his logic was there?
I expect the logic was this: Historically the bigger names don't play the fall events so don't want to trail too much in RC points when they tee it up in January. The easiest way to remove that competition is to apply zero RC points to those events. They still get Fedex points but which they would probably prefer anyway.
Who should be held more accountable, Phil for using his influence to stack the situation in his favor or Pat for pointing it out?!? Personally I think Pat has made a very fair point.