Another Pro Golfer Bites The Twitter Dust: Lee McCoy Complains About Children, South America
I can't put a finger on what might have gone wrong for Lee McCoy--wait I can, he has proven to not know what he doesn't know and is a defender of backstopping. The Bobby Jones Award is not in his immediate future.
Seems the Tour player took to Twitter to complain about South American children wanting some more than a free autograph for coming out to watch the developmental tour play in their country and also insulted the country.
As Joel Beall reports for, the offending McCoy Tweets now sleep with the fishes and McCoy has taken the Grayson Murray path of suspending his account. And we know that how well that turned out for Murray.
McCoy tells Beall he has learned his lesson.
"To say I learned a valuable lesson would be an understatement," McCoy said. "More importantly I want people to know that I am, and always have been, a strong supporter of growing the game and doing everything I can to give back to the community."
Grow that game!
Reader Comments (7)
Otherwise it’s all sterilized through PR reps...
And no, if that is what's on his mind, he should put down the "smart" phone and keep it to himself?