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Dubai Duties Free: Rory Spreads Host Role To Other Irishmen

There was a point you'd have to figure a player in their prime like Rory McIlroy would tire of the duties involved in hosting a professional tournament.

Thankfully for the Rory-rejuvenated Dubai Duty Free Irish Open, the host will be handing duties off to a rota of Irishmen. In some cases this could be problematic, but given the charisma of Paul McGinley, Padraig Harrington, Darren Clarke and Graeme McDowell, the event should keep the momentum going. McIlroy's Foundation will still be the Irish Open's charitable beneficiary.

Brian Keogh reports for the Independent on what the move means for Rory's career thinking and includes this from 2019 host McGinley.

"He has certainly helped regain the momentum of the Irish Open and he has done his bit. He wants to remain involved going forward but the Irish Open was a weight of responsibility.

"Even though he has won it, he has missed the cut for four of the last five years. So while his commitment to playing will remain, it is a question of handing over responsibility and we are happy to take on the mantle.

"We owe Rory a lot for where the Irish Open has come from and where it is going. So it is only right that we take responsibility off Rory's shoulders and let him do what he does best."

One last request this year Rory before you hand things off: put that call into Tiger! He needs some links golf under his belt!

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Reader Comments (5)

It's always been a great tournament and check out the photos from Co. Donegal here people:

02.6.2018 | Unregistered CommenterDick Mahoon
If the weather behaves the Irish Open at Ballyliffin will be stunning. Rory is a player and he should stick to that until he has won 'everything.'
02.6.2018 | Unregistered CommenterIvan Morris
It's fair to say that Rory and others sometimes have too much on their plate. Smart move by Rory -- put the tournament in good hands and focus on your primary job while you're in your prime.
02.6.2018 | Unregistered CommenterJosh
Real kudos to Rors here for breathing life into what was a dying tourney. The Irish Open was one of Europe's biggest & best during the 1980's and early 1990's thanks mainly to its high profile sponsors who had deep (appearance fee) pockets.
But for a young Rory this tournament would be dead in the water despite the massive crowds it attracts each year.
Looking forward to seeing how it now grows & develops into the future..
02.6.2018 | Unregistered CommenterIrish Golf Nut
Ballyliffin deserves the Irish Open. The craggier Old Links is my preference, but Glashedy Links may provide a better experience for power golf and spectator handling.
02.6.2018 | Unregistered CommenterFC

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