Tavistock Cup Complete...
...charity wins and now the golf world can finally focus on the Masters.
Steve Elling reports on the affair, which I'm really sorry I forgot to TiVo...
The T-Cup begins every year with a drumbeat of helicopter blades overhead, when the visiting team is flown from their club across town. In this case, it was the team from Isleworth, including Woods, Appleby and Charles Howell, being dropped off in the 18th fairway. Stationed a few yards away was a massive hospitality tent that will next be used at the Kentucky Derby, by the Queen of England, a Tavistock official said. Get the picture?Uh huh.
“People make fun, but you could also argue that they are raising some pretty good money here for charity,” said Lake Nona’s Chris DiMarco.
There were hole-in-one prizes ranging from Cadillacs to jewelry. As for the latter, a pair of statuesque female Cartier representatives were stationed in the sixth tee, wearing skimping evening attire, in case somebody knocked the ball in the hole. One fan dubbed them “Cardiac girls,” and it was just another head-turning example of what makes the matches a little different. OK, a lot different.