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"Unless Rory has a death wish, he better donate that money to Woods' charity, the tournament beneficiary."

Steve Elling and Ross Devonport debate the issues, with both agreeing that Rory Sabbatini needs to give back his Target World Challenge winnings.

Speaking of which, does anyone else find it odd that in our little 24/7 world, Rory's agent has not made sure to let every golf writer know that his client has decided to turn his winnings over to the foundation?  Here we are several days removed from his WD and the ensuing fallout, and not a word on his web site.

Does this mean he's sticking to his shin splits defense?

You have to figure if there is no gesture on Sabbatini's part soon, he will be the focus of media coverage at Kapalua. And that won't be pretty if he makes it into the interview room.

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Reader Comments (10)

Does anyone really care? Just drop the whole matter!!
12.19.2007 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Sullivan
Tiger skips his daughter's baptism (which is really for Elin's family), Rory skips a tournament early. They deserve each other.
12.19.2007 | Unregistered CommenterMr Monty Carlo
When Tiger turned pro he received a number of sponsors exemptions to tournaments like Milwaukee, Endicott, Quad Cities, where he's never returned. After he won in Las Vegas he quickly skiped the Southern Open at Callaway Gardens which had already extended him a sonsors exemption as well. Not only that but there was an award ceremony for him planned that week as well which he skipped. A real classless act in his first two months on tour.

Let's not forget his disrespect for the office of the United States president when he turned down Bill Clinton's invitation to attend a Jackie Robinson tribute.

Rory! just keep the money, Tiger would.
12.19.2007 | Unregistered CommenterDr. DeBunker
Yes, but Ol Rory isnt in his first two months on Tour. Tiger sold out Milwaukee, Endicott, and Quad Cities. He did more for them in one appearance than they could do for themselves in five years. They should (and would have ) paid him to play. He hasn't repeated that screw up at Callaway Gardens. rory screws up every time he opens his mouth, and he's been out there long enought to know better.

As for Bill Clinton, well, he was President,not King. It wasn't a royal command to attend. he declined an invitation, as was his right to do. And dont think for a minute Clinton invited him as a polite gesture. BC exists to get as much press as he can, and getting the tacit endorsement of tiger Woods' attendnce certainly figured in the decision.
Bill Clinton got a blowjob in the Oval Office, and then lied about it sitting across the table from a U.S. District Judge, and you think Tiger Woods disrespected the office of the President of the United States?
12.19.2007 | Unregistered CommenterSmolmania
Thank God we've seen the office of President restored to its full respect and dignity since then!
12.19.2007 | Unregistered Commenterjneu
Politics aside, Dr. DeBunker, I would think a person of your "higher" intellectual-thinking, conservative nature would recognize instantly at the behavior of these mollycoddled professionals.

Or is thinking about things like that beyond you?
12.19.2007 | Unregistered CommenterDeBunker Debunker
If Jim Furyk had been the one who withdrew because of injury rather than Rory, would there be such a fuss?

From WedMD:
Shin splints cause dull, aching pain in the front of the lower leg. Some people feel it only during exercise; others, when they’ve stopped exercising. Sometimes, the pain is constant... Although shin splints may be caused by different problems, treatment is usually the same: Rest your body so the underlying issue heals.
12.19.2007 | Unregistered CommenterRick
Doc -- Tiger didn't disrespect the office of the Prez. Clinton did.

Sponsors' exemptions do not come with clauses to return, do they?

Rick, maybe Rory was indeed injured. He didn't utter a word about that, though. And tied in with they way he left, and his past behavior, and his terrible play, his agent's excuse looks pretty suspicious.

12.19.2007 | Unregistered CommenterJohn M
we just payed rory to play in oz just the look on his face shits me Snedtker and Gore were fantastic
12.20.2007 | Unregistered CommenterKeith 86

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