"Zach Johnson wins the Masters. Not a highlight exactly..."
Lawrence Donegan posts a year-in-review and player watch for 2008, with this item catching my eye:
2) Zach Johnson wins the Masters. Not a highlight exactly, more of a vindication for those who argue the changes made to the Augusta National golf course in an attempt to meet the challenges of modern golf technology have diminished Alistair MacKenzie's classic course to the extent that average players such as Johnson can now prevail at major championships.
It is fascinating that only a few years ago, any criticism of Augusta National would have been highly unusual (unless it was me mouthing off). Now it's rather commonplace.
Surely the club must notice this trend?
Reader Comments (19)
The problem is not that Johnson won; the problem is the WAY that Johnson won. Essentially, the same way he might go about winning a U.S. Open. Makes sense, since that is the direction that they have taken ANGC...
If one really wanted to complain about a player "like" Zach Johnson winning, you'd have to wonder about Tommy Aaron, Bob Goalby, Gay Brewer and Art Wall, too.
Good luck Zach maintaining that percentage in future Masters events!
Did Zach ever attempt a par 5 in 2?
His play reminded me of a great Wallendo hi wire act with no net, he was successful, congrats, but what about the next 10 attempts?
For players of Zach Johnsons driving distance there is only ONE way to skin (Augusta National) this cat. Bombers on the other hand have two ways to win, great putting, or over powering par 5's in 2 with distance.
I'm with Geoff; the point here is that there is a perception that a Masters win might not mean the same as it did, and whether it is due to changes made to the golf course and how those changes impact play. One year does not a trend make. But of course I never needed a Zach Johnson win to make me concerned about the Masters Committee's responses to tour-player length in the 21st century.
List looks pretty good to me-
Masters champions
2007-Z Johnson
2006-Phil Mickelson
2005-Tiger Woods
2004-Phil Mickelson
2003-M Weir
Anyway, Geoff's right - there are more vocal critics these days.
I think the point the author was making was understood in the riffs above, lets hope so for his credibilities sake.
I disagree with you. The merit of a championship course can partially be determined by the quality of the players with a chance to win the event on the weekend or last day. There is no question that the quality of the field chasing Z Johnson was impressive.
Sabbatini, Goosen, Woods, Harrington, Casey, Donald, Rose, Singh, Poulter, Furyk & Toms.
Exactly which other prominent players did you expect Johnson to go toe to toe with on the weekend?
People get too hung up on 2007, when the weather was perhaps the coldest its been in 30 yrs in Augusta. i think a multi-year approach is neccssary
Anyway, don't bet against the lad in any of the majors in '08. Should be fun to watch.