When's A Whiff A Whiff?
Check out the YouTube video while you can because I'm sure the men with the little red phones in Ponte Vedra are working to get it taken down.
Ryan Ballengee explains what happened Saturday with Kevin Na in Las Vegas:
On the 15th tee Saturday at TPC Summerlin, Kevin Na was in the middle of his downswing when he decided not to hit the golf ball. He pulled up his swing and finished it by missing over the top of the ball. It seemed Na had whiffed but he didn’t, according to PGA Tour officials.
Na told officials and reporters he felt his weight transfer was amiss and would lead to a hooked tee shot, so he missed.
“I’ll take it back; it feels decent, and my transition is what I’m always working on,” Na said. “It’s always my bad habit is I get quick. And on the way down my transition doesn’t feel right, and I try to stop, and obviously it’s impossible for me to stop. The only way for me to stop is I have to come up and go over the ball.”
I think I'll remember this next time I whiff one! Thanks Kevin!
I believe Woodward and Bernstein would call this a non-whiff whiff.
Reader Comments (31)
Q. A player begins his downswing with the intention of striking the ball but decides during the downswing not to strike the ball. The player is unable to stop the club before it reaches the ball, but he is able to swing intentionally over the top of the ball. Is the player deemed to have made a stroke?
A. No. The player is considered to have checked his downswing voluntarily by altering the path of his downswing and missing the ball even though the swing carried the clubhead beyond the ball.
If the player had not successfully checked his downswing (i.e., he had struck the ball), he is considered to have made a stroke.
Any doubt regarding the player's intent must be resolved against the player.
or, for the very dense:
"what a [French word for shower] that Na is"
The TV commentators were getting annoyed, his playing partners were getting annoyed, the viewers were getting annoyed.
Someone needs to stop this.
Need to add that to the list of golf opposites, e.g., swing easy to hit it far, hit down to make the ball go up, direction is more important on long shots but distance is more important on short shots, that list.
This wasn't a stroke. Tommy Gainey is a douche, too, if he thinks it's a stroke. Sucky amateurs don't whiff as bad as Na did intentionally here.
Whiff -- "to blow or convey with slight gusts of wind" (not quite what I imagined)
Whiffer -- "one that whiffs"
Whiffet -- "an insignificant person"
Whiffle -- "to move or think erratically"
Whiffler -- "one that whiffles"
Slow play is here to stay on the PGA, Tour.
have you heard of a DVR?
they wanted to record something, so they hit pause than replay.
Why I have no idea... but it isn't that hard with a phone in your pocket and a few beers in your liver.
@Eric J. B: Gainey may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but a douche he is not. I can assure you of that.
Although it's technically NOT a whiff...I would characterize it as a full swing brain-fart. Na appears to have some serious demons floating in his head. The fact that he won shows how much talent he's got. I hate to watch him play...hate it! Thank god for fast forward!!!
Because it's a game of honor.