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Flash: China Claims First U.S. Open Trophy!

You thought Rory McIlroy had the trophy, but it turns out our good friends in China--well, our partners--have decided they'd like to keep it. Bernie McGuire reports on Chinese authorities seizing the cup first handed to Horace Rawlins in 1895.

The United States Golf Association (USGA), who administer the U.S. Open, along with management giant International Management Group (IMG) and McIlroy’s Dublin-based Horizon Sports have been working feverously to have the trophy returned.

The U.S. Trophy was despatched by McIlroy’s previously management company, International Sports Management (ISM) to TNT Transport for shipping to Shanghai for the Shanghai Masters that McIlroy won in a play-off from American Anthony Kim.

However that is the last time anyone has laid eyes on the trophy.

“ISM shipped the trophy out in its special protective box to Shanghai and the Lake Maclaren Shanghai Masters but there was no one present at the course to receive it so it was taken back to the shipping agents depot,” said Horizon Sports Conor Ridge.

Chubby must really miss this drama.

Meanwhile, Brian Keogh explains that Rory is, shocker of all shockers, burned out from his 10-week, five country season ending cash grab. In between were three days of intravenous fluids during the vacation portion. And there's still a trip to Dubai followed by a return to Asia.

“There are only a few more rounds left this season and I am going to try and give it my all in every single one of them,” he added. “It’s a hard season and that is why it is so important to take your breaks at the right time and make sure you are fresh for every event you play.

“This 10-week run I have been on so far definitely hasn’t helped me be fresh for every single event. But it is something that I wanted to do and something I will learn from and probably something that I won’t do again.  
“I think maybe two or three weeks in a row is my limit and then a couple of weeks off. But you learn every year about these things and I will make sure I don’t have such a stress like this next year.

“I got sick for a few days and it was touch and go whether I was going to play in the World Cup, but I played and I felt fine. But I feel like this week it might be catching up with me again but no big deal. I will give it my all these next two days and see what happens.”

No doubt his new manager was listening attentively to every word.

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Reader Comments (15)

Surely there are are two or more Trophies- the one that stays (the original), the one that travels and a spare?
North Korean president aces every hole. China has Open cup. Better brush up on my Madarin.
12.3.2011 | Unregistered CommenterAverage Golfer
WTF Rory, if you aren't going to care for it personally just leave it home in Portrush.
12.3.2011 | Unregistered CommenterF. X. Flinn
uh, actually, yes. there are "more than one".

Still think the USGA will want Chubby to give it back.
12.3.2011 | Unregistered Commentersmails
The only official US Open Trophy has been housed in the USGA Museum since 1986. Since then, the US Open winner gets immediate possession of an official replica to keep for one year. This is what the Chinese have seized.

The original Claret Jug has been on permanent display in the R&A clubhouse since the late 20's.
There are four official replicas. One is presented to the Champion Golfer of the Year who is in possession of it for a year.
Another official replica is housed in the British Golfing Museum.
And, two other official replicas are lent out by the R&A for exhibitions around the world..
12.3.2011 | Unregistered CommenterMarky Mark
correction - in the 1st sentence - should be "The original US Open Trophy" - sorry for the typo.
12.3.2011 | Unregistered CommenterMarky Mark
Del, the original Stanley Cup is kept at the Hall of Fame in Toronto. The "Presntation Cup" is the one which travels around with the players.
12.3.2011 | Unregistered CommenterStiggy
You guys may be interested in the America's Cup awarded to the richest yacht owner in the world currently held by the USA- Larry Ellison.
There is only one.
When New Zealand held it in the 90's some guy took a hammer to it and it had to be repaired and subsequently there was an argument over who owned the bit that was cut out and replaced!
There are even a few more complications with the Stanley Cup.
In addition to the original "bowl" and the presentation cup, there is also an official replica that is almost an exact copy of the presentation cup and is used for exhibitions when the presentation cup is not available.
In addition to that, there are a number of bands that have been removed from upper bowl section over the years.
There was a skinny version of the cup call the "stovepipe" cup and when all those bands were filled with engravings, they were all removed and and a wider lower band base was added and all the team engravings from the stovepipe were re-engraved.
Also, the "wide" band model completely fill up with engravings a number of years ago, forcing the NHL to remove the oldest upper wide band and replace it with a new lower band every 11 years or so (otherwise the cup would be close to six feet tall by now). All those bits and pieces that taken off the Cup are permanently housed in the Hockey HofF.
12.3.2011 | Unregistered CommenterMarky Mark
Thanks for the detail Marky Makr, i knew all of that but was struggling to type it on my blackberry. The old trophy was also called the "Elephant Leg" era as well.
It is certainly a great trophy.
What hasnt been mentioned yet is that Chubby should have sent it UPS, isnt that who ISM endorse (or are UPS and TNT connected somehow?)
12.4.2011 | Unregistered CommenterStiggy
Marky Mark, just reread my post. Didn't mean for it to come out like i knew it all, just happen to have read a lot about a fascinating trophy (got a good book about it for Christmas called "if the cup could talk" - worth a read)
12.4.2011 | Unregistered CommenterStiggy
One last tidbit about the Stanley Cup. In about a decade, the current upper wide band will be removed. That band contains the last reference to the Toronto Maple Leafs. At that point, barring the Leafs winning from now until then, there will be no reference to the franchise on the Cup depsite the fact that they won it a dozen times or so. The franchise was not around early enough to get engraved on the bowl itself or the upper stem section below the bowl which is permanently affixed.
12.4.2011 | Unregistered CommenterMarky Mark
PS - although the Maple Leafs will disappear from the Cup, the Portland Rosebuds (who never won but are ungraved anyways), and the Seattle Metropolitans will be permanently on the cup since they both occupy the permanent upper stem section.
12.4.2011 | Unregistered CommenterMarky Mark
@MM, Cool info on the Stanley Cup. Thanks.
12.4.2011 | Unregistered CommenterOWGR Fan
Thanks Cliffy!
12.4.2011 | Unregistered CommenterBrad

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