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« Stevie Williams: Ko Coach Firing "Unethical" & "Ill-Timed" | Main | Elk, Slugger Clean Up At The Annual Huggy Awards »

O(I)MG: 16-Year-Old Lydia Ko Dumps 11-Year Swing Coach

Barely a week removed from signing with IMG--eh, em--teenage sensation Lydia Ko has fired the only swing coach she'd known and according to her new agent, is in the market for a full-time swing coach.

From an unbylined AP report:

Guy Wilson, who has worked with the 16-year-old Ko for 11 years, issued a statement saying he was "incredibly disappointed" the partnership is over. Ko hasn't publicly commented on the decision.

Michael Yim, her agent at IMG, said Monday that Ko worked with various teachers at the Leadbetter Academy in Florida before going to Taiwan for the Swinging Skirts tournament, an event she won two weeks ago in her second start as a professional. Kim said Ko plans to meet with other teachers before deciding on a full-time coach.

Wilson goes on to make it clear he's not taking this too well.

Meanwhile, contrary to the statement made by her new agent about coach-shopping, Ko is believed to have decided upon David Leadbetter as her new coach.

Golf Channel Digital, master of breaking all the news that's fit to post without a living author's name attached, noted that fellow Golf Channel staffer Damon Hack tweeted of Ko's plan to work with David Leadbetter.

Hack's first Tweet:

And it seems Leadbetter is already taking credit for Ko's recent win in Taiwan:



And GolfWRX's Ben Alberstadt says Ko is signing with Callaway.


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Reader Comments (68)

And so it begins
12.23.2013 | Unregistered CommenterUnderTheChin
"Simple stuff"? Leadbetter? I don't think so.
Maybe she should have had a word with Aaron Baddeley first.
12.23.2013 | Unregistered CommenterDale Lynch
Add Oliver Fisher to this list.

In 2005 he was the youngest ever Walker Cup player. Next year he turned pro, signed with IMG and ditched his long term coach.

Since then he's has won once on the Euro tour in CZ, but has also lost his Tour Card twice. Peter McEvoy picked him out in his autobiography as the brightest prospect he'd ever seen (and that includes Rory). Has seen a lot of coaches since.
12.23.2013 | Unregistered Commenterbelowpar
What could these parents be thinking? What could Lydia be thinking? I guess IMG first has clients go for a lobotomy. I sure hope the feeling in my gut is from what I ate and not this story.
12.23.2013 | Unregistered CommenterTaffy
Shouldn't she have learned from Rory about changing too many things at once? She is leaving a coach who absolutely knows her and her swing, which has been over the top successful, for a coach who will undoubtedly struggle to understand it for some time and worse decide to put his own imprint on it by changing it. Too bad more golfers don't take the advice of Chris Haack, UGA's coach, and spend time learning to play rather than working on swing changes which are usually needless for successful golfers.
12.23.2013 | Unregistered Commenterebrumby
Leadbetter? Didn't his use by date come up when Faldo went to the tv tower?

And shouldn't sack people right before Christmas. Buy them a present, wait until Jan 2 and then sack them. Blame it on a New Year's resolution.

12.23.2013 | Unregistered CommenterDick Mahoon
Michelle Wie had one of the top 3 golf swings of all time (along with Snead and Mickey Wright) until she started working with Leadbetter.

Come on Lydia, say it ain't Ko.
Not to be naive about this, but could this mostly be based on a likely move to a US base ? It would seem to be difficult if you were moving to the US to have a swing coach that is based in NZ ? Conversely, if she is hiring Leadbetter, seems likely that she is going to at least spend a significant part of the year in the US.
12.23.2013 | Unregistered CommenterBrianS
Isn't it great when all these people (entourage) are telling you what's best for you. This girl never even wanted to turn pro yet--her parents wanted her to. She is just a puppet on a string now. Very sad. What do you think now Easingwold?
12.23.2013 | Unregistered Commenterol Harv
You all hear Stevie Williams's reaction? (cf. update 1)
More disturbing to me is that she had some form of coach since age five. Sheesh.
12.23.2013 | Unregistered CommenterPete the Luddite
There is a reason that TOUR pros call him "Lead-poisoning" - maybe it came as part of the Callaway deal?

She must have thought it would be too easy, so Ko has decided to make winning a bit tougher?
12.23.2013 | Unregistered Commenterreality check
Guy Wilson is a Kiwi. He lives in NZ. The girl wants/needs someone in the US where she will reside and play.
If I was Wilson, I would be gutted, but resigned. This was always on the cards.
Steve Williams calls it unethical. Steve Williams should pull his head in.
12.23.2013 | Unregistered Commentermetro18
LOL..... I am a huge fan of Lydia and wish her nothing but the best but am currently having a good laugh at the expense of all the slurpers who said "oh lookee here, she does EVERYTHING the RIGHT way""...

Happy Holidays Everyone!!
12.23.2013 | Unregistered CommenterDTF
Just by the way for all the anti Leadbetters out there - the man who has the job is Sean Hogan. Now there is an oxymoron is ever there was. :-)
12.23.2013 | Unregistered Commentermetro18
The scariest comment is the one where she talks about every coach having a different swing technique.

I would hope a good teacher works with the swing she has and hones it rather than overhauling it.
12.23.2013 | Unregistered CommenterStiggy
From former student Andrew Coltart:

"There has been a downside to the culture Leadbetter and Faldo created. Nick wanted to know more, and David had the answers. Inadvertently, they created a culture of teaching the golf swing rather than how to play golf. They made it cool to practice the swing rather than practice golf. I stood there for hours trying to make "perfect" swings. But that was my fault for not being smart enough to figure out my mistakes."
12.23.2013 | Unregistered CommenterD. maculata
She could do worse, but this not a good sign. She obviously knows how to play, besides some mileage in the USA she was doin more than ok IMO.
12.23.2013 | Unregistered CommenterJohnnycz
I would take her words at face value, ie his being in NZ while her basing out of the US (and she is one who prefers more regular interaction) makes it hard to make the current situation works. I know it has worked so far but who's to say she has been comfortable with it to date? I do think that her concerns about tax have led her to Florida and her being close to Wie probably helped Leadbetter.
12.23.2013 | Unregistered Commenternguyenvuminh
D. mac - where is that quote from?
12.23.2013 | Unregistered CommenterPGT
Golf World 9/9/13
12.23.2013 | Unregistered CommenterD. maculata
time may paint a rosy picture, or a caricature....over/under?

Would be sad to see such a talent dissapear, but man o man, the track record for failur FAR exceeds success.
12.23.2013 | Unregistered Commenterdigsouth
@ ol Harv

Wait and see.
BrianS and Metro make a valid point, most of her golf will be in the States, one would think. Did Guy Wilson think he would go Stateside with Lydia ? I couldn't answer that question. Thoughts anyone ?
12.23.2013 | Unregistered CommenterEasingwold
The old saying goes "if it aint broke don't fix it." Never was that more apparent then here. Lydia, arguably, is the best 16 year old golfer ever. She was my biggest surprise of 2013 finishing in the top 10 six times in just 10 starts.

Making a change now, when she is ready to become one of the very elite players on the LPGA tour, is a big mistake.
Choosing a coach that already ruined one young "elite player in the making," is an even bigger one.
12.23.2013 | Unregistered CommenterTony Jesselli
I'm just glad she has parents looking out for her best interest. That's reassuring.
12.23.2013 | Unregistered Commenterol Harv
"Lydia will make heaps of cash if she doubles the number of events she plays in and keeps living her life as if she was an amateur. She may choose to reject sponsorship unless it's exactly on her terms. Refer first sentence.
New Zealanders are notorious for not chasing cash and settling for a nice life. Major innovators are often happy with two houses and a BMW and a boat and don't seek fortunes worldwide."

Colin MacGillivray

Exactly on her terms Colin.....I mean her parents terms. Unbelievable.
12.23.2013 | Unregistered Commenter8802
When reading this article I couldn't help but wonder if coaches pay players to have the opportunity to coach them. I'm sure Sean Foley makes a lot more money now that he is Tigers coach.
12.23.2013 | Unregistered CommenterJoe
8802 Nice to see you read my posts.You're right I'm a naive New Zealander and perhaps forgot that in the USA the mantra is follow the money- pity the USA. Remember that Lydia and her parents could only select from all the conflicting advice they got about what to do next. And like most topics which are expertly discussed here- we don't know the reasons for decisions. But we spout off anyway.
Who has Leadbetter improved? Are any good pros working with him regularly?
12.23.2013 | Unregistered Commenter3foot1
Congratulations to Lydia for a wonderful win! I am hopeful that her career will continue to blossom.

But I would echo Digs' comments. Only time will tell. Hopefully we do not see another case of "paralysis by analysis" that seems to happen with some of DL's students. That would be criminal if it happened to this marvelous young talent.

Go Lydia, we are all pulling for you kid!
Colin, All I'm saying is this young naïve woman had no business being pushed into this life at this age. As a parent of several young children you ultimately do what is best for them and turning pro at the age of 16 is not what is best for her, it is what is best for her parents. She admitted in GOLF WORLD that she wasn't ready to make big decisions, that means her parents are making them or her agent. While we don't know the whole story do you think Lydia was the one who wanted to change instructors? Highly doubtful, we know that. What amazes me is how this just keeps on going on...parents somehow just won't learn the lessons from mistakes they have seen time after time. For some reason their child is different. They are going to handle it differently. Again. It's sad. She could win the next six tournaments and I would still say the same thing because she's still a kid trying to make money for her parents. That's not a good thing Colin, no matter what country you live in. Thanks for the USA attack though, class act you are.
12.23.2013 | Unregistered Commenter8802
<< Sean Hogan. Now there is an oxymoron is ever there was. :-) >>

Ha. Me likey.

Hey, Lydia if you want a peek into your David Leadbetter-designed future, I'm going to give you two words: Charles Howell.

Well, you had a nice career. While it lasted.
12.23.2013 | Unregistered Commenterbenseattle

Two more words: Casey Wittenberg

Super hyped amateur, manufactured Leadbetter prodigy.

10 years later, best known for assisting Mr. Tiger with his heist of the 2013 Players Championship.
12.23.2013 | Unregistered CommenterAbu Dhabi Golfer
Couple of points

First, we all seem to know tha Leadbetter is a swing manufacturer. I'd like to know more about Guy Wilson's approach to the swing before I judge the coaching change, though its really hard to argue with her success-to-date.

Second, I heard (not read) a lot of chatter about how a 16 yr old will be missing her prom and is going to regret someday missing her childhood. Well, I kind of doubt that. Most 16 yr olds would change places with her in a nanosecond - to have that is rare talent and opportunity to continue to light the golf world on fire!

I'm with DTF on this - Lets see where all this goes and measure it all in a few short years
12.23.2013 | Unregistered CommenterDavid Simmz
Lydia is very upset by how the parting of the ways with her coach has been reported. She will soon learn to ignore what the media report I hope. She wants a full time coach in the US where she will live and her NZ coach doesn't want to move there.
I really don't think she was pushed into turning pro, what was the alternative? She is not like any normal 16 year old she is a prodigy- like an orchestral soloist of the same age who "turn pro" or a geek who completes a PhD in Maths at University at 16 years old. Part of the deal is prodigies don't have normal childhood whatever their parents do to influence them.
I know for a fact Lydia was not pushed early in her career as a 3 handicap 9 year old and later as top amateur in NZ. I've talked to her mother at my own home in NZ when we lived there when Lydia was was one of hundreds of youngsters who showed promise. Can't see why the goalposts should move now.
Colin, Sports is different, come on. All of the tennis stars were prodigies, no? Ask some of them if they would like their childhood back. Jennifer Capriati? Lydia might have the nicest parents in the world, but the point you keep missing is she's doing this because they made that decision for her. They were the ones who made it now be about the money. Have you read the latest issue of Golf Digest? Not one veteran golfer from the LPGA (all legends of the game) seemed to support her turning pro. Do you have any respect for their opinions? The growing up stage, away from parents, is an integral part of maturing and learning. She'll be wealthy, but maybe not happy. We'll see. History is against her.
12.23.2013 | Unregistered Commenter8802
8802 Some questions-
How does the number 4 golfer in the world pay for playing in tournaments worldwide as an amateur? Include paying for her Mum.
At what age do you think it is acceptable for a young person to terminate their "childhood" and start working for a living?
How do you know that "she's doing this because they made that decision for her"? Please give us the source of your certainty. Omit all media reports- none are trustworthy.
Lexi Thompson seems to have made the transition very well. She didn't miss her prom last year either. Michelle Wie might have been pushed by her parents a little too early, but now, after graduating from Stanford, seems have settled in a more comfortable place in her life, proving golf is not the sole substance on which one must live.

All these young ladies will handle this transition from playing for trophies to playing for a living a little differently. A lot depends on how much their parents have 'pushed' them to grab the cash ASAP, and how much they need it.

Let's give Lydia time before we start calling foul on her parents. She seems mature beyond her years at this point. She obviously can handle the pressure of the competition. She appears cool, calm, and collective in the heat of battle. Much more mature than was Lexi or Michelle as the same point in their games against the world's best. Perhaps even more mature than was TW at same age.

I hope she continues to grow as a player - I look forward to watching this potential 'great player' to develop fully. She may be awesome and an all-time great. Who knows?

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