Elk, Slugger Clean Up At The Annual Huggy Awards
John Huggan's annual Huggy's spotlight some of the more dubious on and off-course acts from 2013, including the R&A's peculiar softening of Muirfield's greens (it all worked out ok though...), Steve Elkington's Twittering and PGA Tour VP Slugger's White's views on the World Cup setup of Royal Melbourne.
Regarding the last mention, Huggan writes about Slugger's take on arguably the purest golf on the planet at Royal Melbourne:
Mr White was apparently not impressed by what he saw there, however. The best, most interesting and most strategically challenging course in the southern hemisphere just wasn’t up to scratch, especially around the greens.
As far as ol’ Slugger was concerned, not enough long grass circled the putting surfaces. He wanted to eliminate any need for imagination, flair and feel and replace it all with a succession of hacks/gouges, the only option left to players when rough encroaches close to the fringes. In other words, White wanted every player reduced to the same one-choice level.
Truly, this was a revealing statement, one that goes a long way to explaining why so many events on the so-often one-dimensional PGA Tour look so (un)remarkably similar. Whatever, Slugger is a worthy recipient of his first Huggy.
Reader Comments (28)
Don't agree with the last comment about Duffnering. That pose wasn't made up...it just became an instant classic, much of it due it how JD deports himself. Everyone else getting in on the act...they can't ride on the coat-tails of JDs deportment....guess this is what the complaint is about
Catriona Matthew sent him a tweet pointing out that someone who won three consecutive majors should have been Player of the Year.
And all I did was ask him a simple question!!?? Comes off as a bitter, bitter dude.
If his European players had come up with the Dufnering jest, I don't thiink Huggan would have been so sniffish.
I was new to twitter at the time and noticed a day or two later than Huggan's feed wasn't showing up on my account anymore. I searched for him and saw that he was active. When I looked at whether I was following him or not, it just said "BLOCKED." That's when I first realized that somebody can block you on twitter! LOL. And over a simple question no less!
Not only is this guy bitter, I'm betting he couldn't take 1% of what he dishes out.
(And none of this means he isn't a good writer).
Paul Way's story of what happened on the 8th hole with Floyd and his wife is classic - and relevant to what happened that day.
I recall a very rude and unnecessary comment he once made about Paula Creamer that had nothing to do with her golf and everything to do with her looks. He also once refused to admit a blatant mistake he made in a Scotsman article I picked up on. Instead of owning up, he simply denied it and tried to make me look like I was wrong.
No disrespect to Slugger who has managed some rules issues very well in the past....but.....Wrapping the greens at Melbourne in rough is wrong. Plain, simply and obviously. Dr. Mackenzie designed courses where options are most important but thick rough around greens eliminates all options but a steep wedge. Most of the holes at Augusta that still bear Mackenzie's greens have very limited rough around the greens, 18, 13, 15, are examples.
I suspect Slugger's philosophy is more in tune with the protecting par/penal school of thought.
I would have loved to have seen the members response if someone actually told them the course needed to grow rough around the greens.
The course hosted a wonderful tournament with great shots that week, what's wrong with that?
Does, anyone, believe that?