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Video: Zach Johnson's All-World Challenge Hole-Out

Stellar stuff today at the final Northwestern Mutual Challenge at Sherwood Country Club, with Zach Johnson holing out this 65-yard shot from the drop area to make par. That forced a playoff which Johnson won over Tiger Woods on the first hole of sudden death.

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Reader Comments (51)

ZJ just pulled a 3 minute segment on Morning Drive, and other than a "David/Goliath" reference, no shout outs to God or anything like that. Imagine that.
12.9.2013 | Unregistered CommenterBrianS
Brian S.

You trying to say Jesus Christ can't hit a curveball?

Seriously, just as in wars, God does not take sides. I don't mind when someone gives a simple thank you to their Maker, but a simple thank you is enough.

Some of these guys would rather see ZJ twerp TW than allow a man a simple thank you.
12.9.2013 | Unregistered Commenterdigsouth
@ Ryan,

If I read your post correctly, you are trying to say Tiger didn't care? If so, I completely disagree. Tiger wanted it very very bad, and he lost. On top of that he blew a huge lead on a Sunday. He was stinging for sure.
12.9.2013 | Unregistered CommenterPress Agent
BrianS, that really is hard to believe, Zach must have turned over a new leaf!
12.9.2013 | Unregistered CommenterDTF
elf, I see your point about Tiger now. And I apologize for the characterization.

I'm uncomfortable when guys go on thanking "my Lord and Savior..." etc., too. To their credit, none of the Evangelicals I've known have been judgemental, just annoyingly optimistic people who share more about their faith than is in good taste.

I think there's always the same ratio of intolerant, judgemental jerks in the population. 800 years ago they'd be marching around the village square in hair shirts, flogging themselves and condemning anybody who didn't do the same. Now most judgemental jerks I encounter are politically far-Left and hostile to Christians - including a few of the regulars on this site.
Maybe God cancelled ZJ's sponsorship agreement so no more shout-outs.
12.9.2013 | Unregistered CommenterCarl Peterson

That isn't really a simple water hazard as it has two "legs" sprouting off to the left and right of the putting green.

The legs could be marked as lateral water hazards but then there could be some difficulty, depending on the hole location, with finding a spot to drop under Rule 26-1c. Also the leg to the right of the green looks like it abuts a wooded area that would provide a rather poor spot for a drop under Rule 26-1b (though it would be a pretty horrible shot that lead to a ball entering the hazard over there).

In all, it seems like a DZ was a good way to go.

(Note: I've never been to the course -- I looked at the video linked above and to the Google Earth images.)
12.9.2013 | Unregistered CommenterCarl Peterson
Chucky baby! Im here. What am i supposed to be, all broken up that Tiger placed second? When did second place become last place? I dunno. Zach made an incredible pitch into the hole in a playoff. Bravo to him. Those that play the game know that sometimes its your day, sometimes it aint. Im not as emotionally invested as you are, bud. Great tournament.
12.9.2013 | Unregistered CommenterEnigma
Seems like despite all the Tiger Haters, Zach Johnson has a lot of good things to say about the host...

Zach, you seemed really relaxed and loose today. Did that help going head to head with Tiger coming down the stretch?

ZACH JOHNSON: Yeah. I mean you know, everybody talks about going head to head with him. I mean you want to play with him and you want to be with him coming down the stretch on a Sunday. I mean that's just what you want as a competitor. That's what I want as a competitor. I mean I want to play against the best. He's the best I've ever played with. And I want to put myself in that position. I've been in it, I don't know how many times, twice here and a handful of times on TOUR. I like playing with him. He's a friend. He seems to bring out the worst and the best in you, you know. But I love that. I'm going to learn from it, and I learn from him, once again because he's the best player that's ever played in my opinion. You know, it's nothing more than that. I mean I'm just trying to compete. I feel great out there. Like you said, if I win, I win. If I lose, I lose. That's kind of simple, but that's kind of the way I approached today. I just like to compete and being in those situations where you get into holes have you to execute, you have to hit a shot. And that's just fun, even if you shank it.

Zach, sort of along the same lines, you've called Tiger the greatest player ever. You said you want to get in these situations with him. Is there more of a sense of pride or accomplishment beating Tiger in this way as opposed to beating somebody else?

ZACH JOHNSON: Yeah. Absolutely. I went head to head against the best. At one time there was a couple of guys that were lurking. I mean they were up there ‑‑ I didn't really stare at the board too much, but seemed like they were trying to make a push. But absolutely. I mean as I said on the putting green, there's a reason why young guys‑‑ he's their idol. He's their Jack Nicklaus. He's the guy that's paved the way. He's the one that keeps pushing the ceiling higher and higher and he's the one that keeps raising the bar. If he stays healthy‑‑ hopefully he does‑‑ there's no telling what he can do.
The guy never ceases to amaze me. What we witnessed early 2000 through, what, 2007 or something like that was ridiculous. And who's to say he can't do it again. So yeah, I'll take pride in the fact that I played against the best, and I got one. I means he's gotten a lot more than I have, so hopefully I'm in that position again and I think I'll learn from today.

Q. After you holed out on 18 and Tiger got his par to put it into a playoff and you guys shook hands, what did he say to you?
ZACH JOHNSON: I mean what you'd expect. He said, "great playing." We both said that. Right? He said, "what's wrong with the middle of the green?" You know, which is exactly what you should say. But I mean he was very gracious, as he usually is.
12.9.2013 | Unregistered CommenterDanny Boy
Zach Johnson said: "I'm going to learn from it, and I learn from him, once again because he's the best player that's ever played in my opinion."

Again, ..."he's the best player that's ever played in my opinion."

Yeah yeah, haters know more than a Masters Champion.

Zach joins Ol' 3-Iron in the Gets A Pass For 2014 Club.
12.9.2013 | Unregistered CommenterDTF
"But I mean he was very gracious, as he usually is."

Aha - he said "usually!"

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