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Tiger: "Is it concerning? No."

Yes it's been five years and Steve DiMeglio shares some disconcerting numbers about Tiger's weekends in the majors, but I still think the overanalysis will be a tad excessive in the coming weeks. Most will disagree.

But for now, here's Tiger's assessment of his 2013 in majors. From DiMeglio's USA Today story:

"Is it concerning?" a dejected Woods said when asked about not winning a major in more than five years. "No. I've been there in half of them. So that's about right. If you are going to be in there three-quarters or half of them with a chance to win on the back nine, you have just got to get it done.

"I was right there and certainly had a chance to win the Masters and the British this year. The other two, I just didn't hit it good enough. Just the way it goes."

For the year, he broke 70 once in 16 rounds of majors and hasn't broken 70 in 16 consecutive weekend rounds in majors. Putting woes have been his major nemesis in the last two rounds of majors for some time. This week, however, he fought his swing, saying his takeaway was a fraction off.

The firm of Lerner, Chamblee, Nobilo and Montgomerie broke down Tiger's week on Live From.

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Reader Comments (35)

It will be two months short of SIX YEARS come the Masters next April.

We're talking the Bush Administration!

That's not concerning?

He isn't one the biggest BS'ers in the history of sports for no reason.
08.11.2013 | Unregistered CommenterAbu Dhabi Golfer
It's time for Tiger to stop wearing that stupid red shirt on Sundays. It's time for the golf channel to stop talking about Tigers chances of winning when he's 10 strokes behind after 36 holes. It's time for every golf writer to stop writing that Tigers back when he wins at the following courses: Torrey Pines, Firestone, Bay Hill, Muirfiedl(Ohio). It's time for Tiger to change putters he will never win another major unless he starts making 6 footers for par again. your welcome Tiger.
08.11.2013 | Unregistered CommenterVwgolfer
One of the things I like about Tiger is that he talks a great game in his post-round interviews. On Thursday he hit the ball so poorly off the tee, it took all of his iron-strength and scrambling talent to post a 71, yet still said he played well.

Montgomery pointed out that he had actually played terribly, yet he never admits to it. It's like that would be like the Pope admitting papal fallacy.
08.12.2013 | Unregistered Commentermehstg
Stricker fixes his putting stroke, so he should ask Duf to show him how to waggle into a more consistent takeaway.
08.12.2013 | Unregistered CommenterD. maculata
The Toothless House Cat has his billion offshore, his new Nike deal, and his cocktail waitresses on call. Nothing else matters.
08.12.2013 | Unregistered CommenterPhew
TW used to ruffle the players' feathers when he won and then talked about having his "C" game that week. Now he is a non factor but playing great? I miss the old Tiger...
08.12.2013 | Unregistered CommenterShady golf

The cocktail waitresses and hatcheck girls miss The Toothless House Cat, too.
08.12.2013 | Unregistered CommenterPhew
Phew: do you get paid every time you write "Toothless House Cat?" Must have read it 50 times now as you work it in every post regardless of subject matter. We get it by now.

ADG: of course it's concerning, but I'm not surprised he wouldn't admit it. Hard for him to state the real truth: I'm feeling the pressure and I want these too much so I play like I am constipated. Csn you imagine what the media would do then? No win situation.
08.12.2013 | Unregistered CommenterSari
Complete Denial -- part of his personality. His attorney told him to deny, deny, deny. He did say yesterday, and we give him credit (sic) "I just didn't hit it good enough" when describing his lack of being in contention in two of the this year's majors - the U.S. Open and the PGA. The climb to the top (19 majors) gets steeper nearer the top you get.
The guy is a proven liar...why would anyone expect him to change (stripes) now??
08.12.2013 | Unregistered CommenterTalking Head
@Talking Head

Well, there will always be types like Sari. Blind acolytes, they worship the Puddy Tat and believe he's just this close to running off a string of major victories and eclipsing the Golden Bear.
08.12.2013 | Unregistered CommenterPhew
Phew: I am on record as saying he won't beat the record. I have him winning two more max. But keep the personal attacks going if it makes you feel better about yourself.
08.12.2013 | Unregistered CommenterSari

One gets what one gives.
08.12.2013 | Unregistered CommenterPhew
If he isn't concerned then he really has a problem.
08.12.2013 | Unregistered CommenterJim Beckner
Eldrick will win at least two majors next year. I don't see how he doesn't win at Augusta, Pinehurst, Hoylake, and Valhalla; look at his past performance at those venues.

FYI I am neither an Eldrick fan nor an Eldrick hater.
08.12.2013 | Unregistered CommenterRandom Fan
Debated writing an entire long statistical analysis and then in deference to Geoff decided against it: but to put it shortly, every player (Tiger included) has weaknesses in their game. Right now Tiger is the best player in the world, but his game has more weaknesses than it did 5 years ago (and no it's not putting, nor is it driving). The more weaknesses you have the harder it is for you to win. Tiger is more likely to win a major than anyone else, and generally most of the top players eventually win majors, but to give himself more chances to win more majors, Tiger has to figure out a way to make his overall game stronger.

And btw these weaknesses exist in regular PGA Tour events, it's not a major vs not a major thing.
08.12.2013 | Unregistered Commenterelf
If you expect professional sportsmen to admit they are playing badly then you don't understand the psyche of a top sportsman. Nicklaus claims he has never 3 putted on the last 9 of a major- he has- but not in his mind.
08.12.2013 | Unregistered CommenterChico
Tiger is way to skinny. He has no upper body, just big biceps and a 20 inch waste. He looks terrible. He said, he wants to train to make sure he doesn't run out of gas on Sunday on the back nine. He looked worse than anyone out there, and Dufner, the champion, has a little baby fat, which looks great to me! the old time look, love it
08.12.2013 | Unregistered CommenterFenceBuster
Tiger is unique in many ways, but this sound bite suggests another singular trait: he can press the delete button and focus on the next event. He only seems to care about winning. Third or thirtieth probably makes little difference to him, but the overwhelming majority of touring pros care greatly about such matters. Tiger is a trophy hunter and the greatest of all time. Both he and the man he's pursuing had 14 major victories at the same age and in the same amount of appearances in majors. Criticize, castigate and hate him all you want but I think it's foolhardy to think he won't eventually eclipse Jack's major record and retire as the man who won the most overall tournaments as well. He has the talent, the focus and plenty of opportunity.
08.12.2013 | Unregistered Commentertlavin
A random fan suggests "Tiger will win at least 2 majors next year." That will be an amazing feat, if he does, he'll be back on track for sure.
I don't know if he'll win 19 or not.
I do know this: there is a reason more and more people say they don't like Tiger around places like this, and at the course or just out in casual conversations we have - and it's not because everyone is a "hater."
Something that Tiger has working against him now that he didn't have a number of years ago, is so many people actively hoping and cheering for him to not break Jack's record.
08.12.2013 | Unregistered CommenterPress Agent
phew, you are new here, and you are totally wrong about Sari, and her position on TW's ability to win (anymore). You could look in the archives and see what she has actually said, but that would take effort.

And Before you start catagorizing me and my view of TW, I'd suggest you do a little research, if you know how to.

Your little attempt at a comebacker just capitalizes why you should stop while you are so far behind.
08.12.2013 | Unregistered Commenterdigsouth
Digger, thanks, but it is a "he", not a "she." Sari is a Lebanese name, but believe me since I've moved to the States I've figured out it's a woman's name here. Don't worry, I get a bunch of mail directed with a "Ms." so it is a common assumption! :)
08.12.2013 | Unregistered CommenterSari

phew was formerly known as sir real.
08.12.2013 | Unregistered Commenterlurker
Chico nailed it. NO ONE who has been at the top will ever admit they played "badly". Jack was a zen master in that respect.

That said...Tiger's whole approach is not producing the results he wants (catching up and passing Jack). As noted above, his wins come on his own cherry picked courses. Wake me when he enters a fall series event on the deadline and wins on a course he saw for the first time on THAT would be news to me.

In other words...get your butt out there on TOUR some more Tiger. Try to embrace change. And maybe go with a face balanced mallet type putter...or blade...or whatever. A new look for an oldish problem never hurt anyone.
08.12.2013 | Unregistered Commenterjohnnnycz
In 2000 Tiger's bread and butter tee shot was a draw. Today he prefers a fade. He's aiming way left, teeing it low and hitting down on it with the driver. It feels like he's fighting nature. Bring back the hook!
08.12.2013 | Unregistered Commenterhighside
"...his wins come on his own cherry picked courses..."

What does that mean?
08.12.2013 | Unregistered CommenterDTF
highside, I think you have a point. I believe Tiger should commit to a 5 tournament stretch where he completely throws caution to the wind -- get up on every tee box and pound driver absolutely as hard as possible and then go find it...and stick with this strategy results be damned. By about the 3rd tourney I bet he'd bet all the swing thoughts would be gone.
08.12.2013 | Unregistered CommenterDTF

I'd love to see that for the entertainment value alone.
08.12.2013 | Unregistered CommenterSari
I'm kinda surprised that the USGA or PGA hasn't selected Firestone for an upcoming major...
08.12.2013 | Unregistered CommenterJuke Joint Jimmy
@Press Agent:

True, but I'm not one of those people you're referring to.
08.12.2013 | Unregistered CommenterRandom Fan
What do you expect him to say -- "I'm useless. I'm done"?

For once he admitted making poor shots. That's a long way from the denial years when he kept saying he played well when he patently didn't, and only the most courageous writers timidly suggested that his analysis might be faulty. Yes, he grows up more slowly than most, but he's an athlete, and they are about their values, which are win or lose, not -- in this climate -- how you play the game. Some get to that at the end of theri careers -- whether he will or won't remains to be seen, and I would open a book on that right now and retire on the projections. But he has also won more than anyone, including a week ago, so he is not ready to hang it up yet.

He is what he is. Nobody asks him tough questions, so don't expect really good answers. Under the circs, given that -- and this is all on his own cultivation of his legend -- he has a mythic structure to his career, but has to play it out like everyone else, day by day, all he can say is his usual script.

He will not give you introspection. The worrying thing is whether he gives it to himself. Right now, he seems to be playing on fumes, and sometimes -- as in a doddle like Firestone -- it seems to be enough. He is beginning to look really unmoored.
08.12.2013 | Unregistered CommenterGhillie
@DTF: I am saying that Tiger gets his wins usually at courses he's been dominant and/or played well in the past. See: Torrey Pines, Firestone, Bay Hill, Doral, Muirfield Village, etc. The numbers don't lie and year to year, aside from the majors, he plays essentially the same courses. Not that there's anything wrong with that $$ wise...but it's limited him as a player as he gets older.

Playing different courses week to week would do wonders for his putting woes on Major Championship weekends...he'll have an easier time to "adapt better" as the weather and turf conditions change (his words after this year OPEN Championship).

Basically, all I'm saying is that he needs to get out of the "bubble" and get out there.

Also...I agree 100% with your post above about him blasting away at driver for 5 weeks. Butch's first lesson to Norman was rumored to be as follows "I've allready see you swing plenty your one-iron, stand a hair closer to the ball, and swing as hard as you can!" Norman went to play some of his finest golf after that lesson at TPC Woodlands. There's alot of truth to the theory that the best swing thought is to just "kill it".
08.13.2013 | Unregistered Commenterjohnnnycz
johnny, as a player matures they play fewer events and the schedule starts to get built around the majors, this is just the way it is. As such, Tiger turns up at a lot of the same venues year after year, it is what it is. I get a kick out of how Snead was always lauded for winning Greensboro 8 times but all of a sudden it has become a negative with Tiger.

Tiger has won on 37 different courses in his career. This does not include any wins outside the US other than Open Championship wins (those are included) so the list would be a lot longer if those were included. Nicklaus won on 41, a very comparable number.

It would be interesting to know the number for Snead....Tom Ierubino?
08.13.2013 | Unregistered CommenterDTF

No he wasn't, but it'd be useless trying to prove anything to you.

As for Sari, one gets what one gives.
08.13.2013 | Unregistered CommenterPhew

how about you give it a shot anyway?
08.15.2013 | Unregistered Commenterlurker

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