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Azinger Not Ruling Out Captaincy; Wants PGA To Blow-Up Model

Paul Azinger went on a 10-day motorcycle trip and Steve DiMeglio opens his story recounting that image after talking to former Ryder Cup Captain Paul Azinger about his willingness to not "rule anything out" regarding a return engagement.

DiMeglio writes:

"I'm not going to rule anything out," Azinger, the last victorious U.S. captain in the Ryder Cup, said on Monday.

His phone started blowing up with text messages and voice mails shortly after the U.S. team's post-match press conference.

Sounding like a well rehearsed politician, Azinger is using this unexpected (or was he expecting?) this opportunity to leverage changes in the PGA of America's selection system. He is cleverly backing them into a corner that no doubt has the folks in Palm Beach Gardens thrilled!

"But my goal is the bigger picture. It is time for the PGA of America to recognize the great disconnect and formulate the same business model for selecting a captain as it does for selecting its president and officers.

"Europe consistently repeats a philosophy of leadership that every captain has learned from the captains in the past. It is an approach that is comfortable and familiar. The U.S. approach is less comfortable and completely unfamiliar to every repeat player. The players have to adjust to a completely unique system to the previous two years."

Permanent pods!

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Reader Comments (80)

pods, Navy SEALs, Team America - blast this guy all you want but at least he has a winning attitude and a record (albeit small) to back it up.
09.29.2014 | Unregistered CommenterGary Dell
Give Azinger 2016 and let him "teach" the next several captains and let's see if his system really works. A broken clock is right twice a day (not saying his system is a broken clock, just saying one time is not statistically significant).

Better yet, since Mickelson already knows everything, let's give Mickelson the 2016 captaincy and see how he does................................ (of course he would be a playing captain because he is such a great player especially with Keegan). Philly would probably have to give himself a captain's pick though.

I feel awful for Larry Nelson, he deserves the honor of the captaincy but it looks like he will be left in the cold once again, But Larry Nelson has too much class for the players today.

Philly Mic for 1016!!!!
09.29.2014 | Unregistered CommenterJim
Let Azinger do it for the rest of his life. He seems to be the smartest person in American golf, just ask him and Phil.

Seriously, for God sake, give him another chance. Otherwise, he'll be whining for the rest of time about why nobody did what he did. Plus, he did actually captain a winning side, maybe that will give these guys something to rally around. They really don't appear to be having fun, they look more like they are heading for a colonoscopy.
09.29.2014 | Unregistered CommenterBDF
A recent news story on this subject mentioned that Zinger has both of the qualities needed in a good leader: intelligent analytics and good people skills. I doubt Watson has either. Only thing Watson did was win 8 Majors, get rich, manage to stay rich, become an alcoholic for a while, divorce his wife, become a Jesus Freak, cash in on and win a Ryder Cup by doing nothing, and cash in on and lose another Ryder Cup by making poor decisions and discounting any and all rational criticism. I don't fault anyone who threw Watson under the bus, and I would include a train.
09.29.2014 | Unregistered CommenterJoe Duffer
Sorry, that last line should be the following

Philly Mic for 2016!!!!

Philly Mic is #1 so subliminally I typed 1016 instead of 2016.

PhillMic is #1 nice guy, #1 in thumbs up on tour, #1 in class, #1 is knowledge, #1 in business. When I think of Philly Mic I just think #1 and inadvertently typed the wrong date.
09.29.2014 | Unregistered CommenterJim
I think Center Cu_t should pick the next U.S. captain. We clearly need dim-witted Australian oiks who live in Chaska MN to tell us how to run things.
09.29.2014 | Unregistered Commenterflies with beaks
Azinger in 2016. With Furyk and Phil as assistants if they don't make the team. Then Furyk in '18 with Phil as assistant. Then Phil in '20 when it's at Bethpage. In '18 and '20, put assistants on the team you'd want to groom for future RC's. Or even be crazier and have the PGAA and PGA Tour team up and use the President's Cup as a training ground for future US Capt's.
09.29.2014 | Unregistered CommenterGus
Thought you were going to take your ball home and refuse to play in 2016 Beaks.
09.29.2014 | Unregistered CommenterChico
Beaks, is it a compulsion with you to insult or demean somebody or something in every post?
09.29.2014 | Unregistered Commentermeefer
Euro fan. Not a fan of Zinger. So would love to see him have another go - as many as he wants.
09.29.2014 | Unregistered CommenterFor Podsake
meefer: No. It's what Barney Fife once called a "compelsion" as in "compelsion complex."
09.29.2014 | Unregistered CommenterKLG
The media do not want to offend players in their critique of the asskicking. The media need access to those players. So, they refuse to talk about who it was putting the peg in the ground and hitting it in the hay. And so, it is all Tom's fault. And a bunch of sore losers buy it. Until tomorrow, when the Cup will be forgotten or mean nothing to them because America lost. Again.

09.29.2014 | Unregistered Commentermulligan
" It is time for the PGA of America to recognize the great disconnect and formulate the same business model for selecting a captain as it does for selecting its president and officers."

That business model produced Teddy Bishop.
09.29.2014 | Unregistered Commenterol Harv
@Ghost - Freud went to the barbershop every day, I believe.

And I'm sure he could paint a picture of a compelsive poster/abuser: happy, fulfilled, a good companion for 18 winning or losing holes, tolerant and respectful of others because secure in his self esteem, at peace with his sexuality....

...or perhaps not.
09.29.2014 | Unregistered CommenterHB
Gentlemen, you have to treat this clown with complete and full no reply. It's like dealing with a child. That will piss him off and then he'll move on. Don't get sucked into the insanity like I just did.
09.29.2014 | Unregistered CommenterLMS
You're right, LMS.
09.29.2014 | Unregistered CommenterHB
Are you for real, Gus? I can see it now. Furyk forces his players to eat cereal floating in 5-hour Energy instead of milk. You know he's apt to take Webb & Hunter as his picks. One can lead team Bible study classes, while the other provides an ex-Dallas Cowboy pole dancer as entertainment for those not inclined to The Word.
09.29.2014 | Unregistered CommenterD. maculata
Am I the only one who finds it a coincidence that a Jesus freak, Watson, choose 2 other Jesus freaks (Simpson and Mahan). And you've also got other Jesus freaks in the team. Maybe the US just needs to take religion out of this whole thing!
09.29.2014 | Unregistered CommenterIanB
Ian B
I defy you ( courteously) to find any statement Tom Watson made that is indicative of a "Jesus freak".
I doubt that you will
09.29.2014 | Unregistered Commenterjjshaka
@KLG, now that was funny! +1
09.29.2014 | Unregistered Commentermeefer
PGA of America clearly needs a Ryder Cup Advisory Board with NO current officers/administrators participating; JWN, Raymond, Arnold etc. to comprise and choose future captain. Then, to shore up our sorry Foursomes results, make one of the Fedex Cup tourneys a $5 million winner takes all Foursomes tournament; players make up their own two-man teams. Next, sell Ryder Cup TV rights on the Masters model, i.e. limited commercials. Ryder Cup is a big enough event to assure class act advertisers. No more Dickhead Sports and their lame ads. Last, let the players vote on the Fri/Sat pairings. They know who's really got it going and who's a little suspect.
09.29.2014 | Unregistered Commentertrfoto
Europe clearly has a better long term Ryder Cup plan that the US - moving players from playing roles to vice captain roles and on to captain roles. Their procedures allow their captains and vice captains to be trained on the job. I suspect that ET's control over the EVENT as well as the players leads to a better and more cohesive structure than the US - where PGA of America owns the event but PGA Tour players participate - often at the whim of PGA of America management who are less concerned with team performance than picking "deserving" captains - etc.

In addition to adopting more ET-like Captain training plans - and fostering greater interaction between the Captain and the players, the US also badly needs to revise its Ryder Cup Points formulation. The current procedure has multiple flaws,

1) The point race closes after the PGA Championship - which leaves FIVE events (including all four playoff events , attended by most of the top US players) completely out of the calculation of the eight or nine players who make the team on points.

2) The inclusion of the four 2013 majors and doubling of point values for the four 2014 majors makes little statistical sense if the object of the point list is to identify the players who are playing the best NOW. Example: Phil Mickelson placed 5th on the RC points list (guaranteed a spot in the RC. If - rather than that calculation done at the end of the PGA Championship - the selections were based on the final 2013-14 money list, Phil would have placed 38th overall, 28th among just US players and 27th if Dustin Johnson was eliminated from consideration. HUGE DIFFERENCE between being 5th and 27th and the primary difference is composed of three factors - counting 2013 majors (Phil won one and played well), doubling the money won in 2014 majors (Phil placed 2nd in the PGA with a $10 mil purse, his ONLY top 10 on tour this season, and the deletion in the regular RC points of money won in the final five 2014 events (Horschel and Kirk lost out, but Phil's lackluster performance didn't count).

European Tour DOES NOT weight the majors and uses the last 12 months only. Which approach seems to be yielding better results?

I'm not saying that Phil should not get a captain's pick, but - at least this year - he did not deserve a points based pick. Overall, the top 9 would have added Kirk and Horschel and deleted Mickelson and Z Johnson. Captains pick Webb Simpson was significantly further down the final season long money list than the official RC list which ended at the PGA.

Even though Azinger improved the current selection criteria from the pre-2008 version, it still needs to be refined and the selections made even closer to the actual RC.
09.29.2014 | Unregistered CommenterSGarrett
Keep Jesus away from the Ryder cup and the Americans may win. To pick players because they are bible thumpers is a boneheaded move, I nominate Tom Watson and brandel chamblee for Ryder cup honorary water boys.
09.29.2014 | Unregistered CommenterVwA3V60golferrrr
@ IanB : Amen to that!

(I think Bubba's in there as well)
09.29.2014 | Unregistered CommenterBrett
@ SGarrett - spot on - the weighting makes no sense

You mean Ricky and Ted's "haircut" didn't do the trick this week? Bubba played like shit? Webb looked like a drunk 10 handicap? Folks, the writing was on the wall before this thing even started.

Maybe the captains need a de-selection pick for undoing automatic qualifiers. Get someone in there who wants it - both the player and the captain.

P.S. I'm in my 20s and didn't know all of this Tom Watson history. His image is sort of a gentlemanly type that has won a ton and maintained his swing for some time now. Didn't realize his kids hated him and he was a drunk with a generally bad attitude.
09.29.2014 | Unregistered CommenterGary Dell
Pretty sure Azinger is part of the God Squad as well.
09.29.2014 | Unregistered CommenterBDF
Does anyone here think that Azinger or anyone one else,--Lombardi, Wooden, could have coached the US to victory over Rose, Rory, et al? Before you respond remember close don't count.
09.29.2014 | Unregistered CommenterConvert
"PGA of America clearly needs a Ryder Cup Advisory Board "

REALLY? Perhaps like Ted Bishop's Advisory Taskforce to show us how to grow the game, you know, get some guys who know nothing about the game and let them think "outside the box". GIVE ME A BREAK. Or maybe we should do like some of the foreign countries do in the Olympics and appoint a Captain who is from a different Country. Or maybe go really outside the box and appoint a business tycoon CEO type. They know how to manage so well.
09.29.2014 | Unregistered CommenterTicky Burden
I sense a turnaround for a couple of reasons. Derek Sprague is the incoming PGA President. I know Derek. He's a pro's pro from a tiny little town in upstate NY. Malone CC. Malone is a couple of miles from Canada. There's perhaps 3,000 residents. He runs a top notch 36 hole facility the right way, with a teaching background as well as an emptying the garbage cans background. he's a local boy made good from the unlikeliest spot on earth to PGA presidency. Expect great sound,breath of fresh air, devoid of pomp decisions from Derek.
09.29.2014 | Unregistered CommenterAG
Wow. Some really far out posts. I have followed Tom Watson for the better part of 30 years and I do not think you will find statements that back up this concept of being a Jesus Freak. Watson is stubborn and opinionated, the PGA and the players knew this. It shouldn't be any surprise.
09.29.2014 | Unregistered CommenterAndy
It sounds like David Toms might get screwed in all this a la Larry Nelson.

Religion should have nothing to do with it.

Using the way PGA selects its presidents is a wrong model to emulate, too obviously. Hope we've seen the end of the preening Bishop.
09.29.2014 | Unregistered CommenterMedia driven
Azinger is a self-absorbed blowhard of limited intelligence. The idea that this junior college washout is some brilliant tactician is laughable.
09.29.2014 | Unregistered CommenterChema
09.29.2014 | Unregistered Commenterredneck
I hope Azinger gets the job too. Beaks needs something to cheer about after his dinner tasted so bad and almost choked him into silence
09.29.2014 | Unregistered CommenterEasingwold
Thanks Chema. Pithy and profound.
09.29.2014 | Unregistered Commentertlavin
@ Covert "Does anyone here think that Azinger or anyone one else,--Lombardi, Wooden, could have coached the US to victory over Rose, Rory, et al? Before you respond remember close don't count."

Not a chance!

There is only one answer: Play better! Play better in Foursomes. Play better in Fourball. Play better in Singles.

I like SGarrett's comment and have stated before, use only the last 12 months. Playoffs should count. Get the hottest players going in.
Because a player played well last year is irrelevant on him playing well now.

All due respect AG, one new PGA President won't buck the system. The PGA of America is too top heavy and politically heavy-handed. One thing they could do is cut out all the free-loaders being on full scholarship for the event.
09.29.2014 | Unregistered CommenterPro from Dover
@Covert - a single coach other than Watson wouldn't have made the US win (Euros were firing on all cylinders) but an in-tune, intelligent coach might've made it interesting where at least we had a CHANCE going into singles play - a 2 pt swing is 8-8 instead of 10-6 coming into Sunday. A different coach might have been the difference here.
09.29.2014 | Unregistered CommenterGary Dell
What about this to seal the deal with Azinger?.... Payne Stewart as Captain (posthumous obviously) and Azinger as the Vice Captain. A great way to honor his friend while still being in charge. Just spit-ballin' here.
09.29.2014 | Unregistered CommenterDave K
+1 on the compelsion video. Like so many classic comic tiny bits (45seconds on that one), I wonder how many takes it took to get that one right.
09.29.2014 | Unregistered CommenterJimbo
The pendulum will swing back in favor of the US eventually. Golf is too hard a game, with too many variables--especially in such a quirky team format--for any one system to continually be successful. The winners write the history, and right now the story the Europeans are telling is that their system is so good they can plug in solid players and win forever. This is a pipe dream How many months until the Masters?

BTW, when I think about politically naïve people, I always think of Azinger, who wanted to boycott the trip to the White House to meet Clinton. He is an incredible moron.
09.29.2014 | Unregistered CommenterMedicus Victim

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