Considering The Chances Of Another Major At Chambers Bay
For anyone hosting a major or thinking of doing so, Tony Dear's Links piece is worth a read given the high-profile Chambers Bay experiment.As the story notes, it succeeded on the financial and ratings front, but agronomically left a scar that is now being rectified by a creative conversion to poa greens.
Since June 2015, Johnson has increased cultural inputs (mowing, rolling, fertilizer, pesticide, water) to favor annual bluegrass establishment, and is seeding the greens with the only commercially available annual bluegrass turf—Poa reptans Two-Putt. “The good news,” he says, “is that it establishes pretty well. The bad news is that its prolific seedhead production in the first year or so gives the greens that blotchy appearance.”
Johnson has also begun saving and analyzing clipping yields from the greens in an effort to monitor growth and make better decisions on when to cut, seed, fertilize, and irrigate. “Every-day play is our focus as a public course,” he says. “I want smooth greens as well as consistent speed and firmness.”
On the financial side, Chambers continued the trend of public-access venues raking in more money for the USGA (we won't know how Erin Hills fared for a while):
According to its Annual Report, USGA revenue from its Open championships (U.S. Open, U.S. Senior Open, U.S. Women’s Open) in 2016, when the U.S. Open was played at Oakmont, was $53.3m. In 2015, it was $64.3m.
The irony in all of this is that Chambers would make a great PGA Championship August. May? Not so much. Though still certainly doable and capable of bringing big energy and bigger West Coast ratings.
Reader Comments (38)
Do the world a favor and never go back. It's a dreadful golf course.
I would be perfectly fine with a tournament out there to take the place of some boring, godforsaken TPC. But it is not worthy of a major championship
FWIW, I've played Chambers w/ at least 25+ people who were playing it for the first time. Literally 100% of them loved it
Good greens or bad, horrific spectator routing or no, we've seen quite enough of Chambers Bay.
Should they host another major? I guess that depends on how the course evolves and what other West Coast options are stepping forward. Not any time soon for sure, but something late 2030 something? Why not? I'd look forward to watching it if I'm still around.
Why the USGA wants to award these tracks is beyond me (although, my guess is it might be something similar to why FIFA and the USOC award their venues...$$$$$)
Fair enough. You have probably passed on 1000 golf experiences more important and monumental to the game than I will ever experience, so I am clearly outmatched. That being said:
No brainer on the PNW. Great area, especially in June. Great for ratings. Great people.
I am not following the Hazeltine comparison. Is the suggestion we should continually have an untested course that gives negative feedback, so they can spend millions to renovate it for the next time? Could they not go to a course that already is proven? Why do we take fewer chances on courses for lesser tournaments, but let it fly and take risks with our national championship?
There seems to be no thoughts on having a historic venue. Do people like seeing a big game at Wrigley or Fenway, or are people pumped to go to Safeco Field? Should not our national championship that has been played 117 times be at a course that maybe existed for a couple years before being awarded something? How about a nice Hooters Tour event to test it...
Yes, nice views of the sound, but people like the Old Course because of what happened on the course! One of the most iconic shots in golf is the 1 iron of Hogan at Merion. No one cares that the only views they have externally are buckthorn blocking out mainline homes.
We have over a century of golf history. I am not sure why our National Championship needs these times where the course is picked on a flyer because a few folks (albeit very golf savvy) like the view.
The winner was great, so was the runner-up. The Travelers and John Deere had big names win. Should I let the good folks in Hartford and the Quad Cities that their US Open is imminent?
Again, just my thoughts. They are worth the ink they are not printed on...
The results were a giant cluster of dead end routing for spectators, no RR access, dust bowl spots all over the course and greens that made my muni seem like ANGC by comparison. The cherry on top was the final green where the 2 "best" players didn't even try to make eagle putts inside 15 feet because they were afraid of a 2 footer on the next putt and one of them still 3 putted to hand the trophy to the other. If this was a "success" I would hate to know what these idiots think failure is. And I didn't even mention FOX's broadcast run by interns.
2. Same for spectator issues. They are very much aware, as is the architect RTJones, Jr. The spectator experience will be excellent, though it may not be Augusta Natl.
I know that being in the Pacific Northwest CB was probably destined for poa greens eventually, but even at its best I don't think it is a first rate surface that a major should command.
When is the USGA Greens Section going to suck it up and tell everyone what really happened to the greens at CB?
As an aside, there certainly are many "experts" on the agronomic issues. Not many of them were in the Press tent. That is not intended critically. I personally think much was overblown. If I were Dustin Johnson faced with a downhiller for the National Championship last on Sunday, I might not agree.
If a Major returns, spectator issues will be addressed. Guaranteed. Were I actively involved in '15, things would have been different.
As for my opinion re CB v Pebble Beach, I am a long time visitor there, and for 10 or 12 years, about 5 times a week. Its ocean views have few equals. Combine the beauty of CB's design...on the Bay with its activities...occasional train service...and in the backdrop of the Olympic Mtns, my vote remains with CB as the most stunning site for any Major. This is all just the opinion of one lucky guy.
CB is different, and it is bad. Another major there would be a huge mistake. The Home Course (2010 US Amateur companion course) is a better course than CB, but that doesn't mean it should hold a US Open.
For the USGA, Bethpage was a win. CB and Erin are fails. Forget about them. You win some, you lose some. Move on to other great possibilities.
Hazeltine is no longer in the top 100 but has a good enough course and a really good infrastructure. Was at this years open and I felt underwhelmed when I compared it to the Ryder Cup. We now have to make a decisions, do we want a great course or do we want a good course with great infrastructure for the people and all the corporate tents.
The USOpen got away due to water and whatever.....BUT
the USGA learned from that.
Erin Hills and Chambers had one thing in common. Big new market with a forced mess of a course
Which means, millions more spent so we can get it the anchoring rule
On the other hand, suppose you really hate Chambers Bay. Look at where they've been holding the PGA. New Jersey, Oklahoma, Georgia, Kentucky. This year, North Carolina.
As much as you hate CB, would you really rather spend a week in August in one of those places, or in Tacoma, Washington? If you answered "one of those places" I think you need your bleeping head examined. At CB you have almost a guarantee of sunny, relatively mild (by the standards of those other places) and not so humid weather. Much lower chance - close to zero - of thunderstorms and rain.
Golf wasn't meant to be played in Oklahoma or Georgia or North Carolina in August, in my opinion. But I guess some people enjoy being really sticky and sweaty. Maybe they get used to it, like prisoners.
Tacoma:June 71 and 1.6", August 77 and 0.8".
Tulsa: June 87 and 4.7", August 93 and 2.9".
Louisville: June 85 and 3.8", August 88 and 3.4".
Morris Plains (Baltusrol): June 80 and 4.4", August 83 and 4.4". Newark is similar.
Rochester: June 77 and 3.4"; August 79 and 3.5".
Actually this isn't so much an argument for holding the PGA at CB (or somewhere in the maritime West Coast region) as it is moving the PGA to May. Forget about optimizing the schedule, they should move it to May so they might have halfway decent golf weather.
My family spent a summer in South Orange when I was a kid, I can't imagine the attraction of going to watch a golf tournament there (Baltusrol) in person in August, when you can watch it on TV instead. Call me a wimp!
A great golf course with hot humid weather and a good chance of thunderstorms and/or heavy rain vs. a dump of course with Tacoma weather (and great views!), I'd say it's at least close.
How was Bethpage a win? It was a rain-filled snoozer.