"Bivens’ decision effectively terminated the tournament sponsored by the grocery chain"
In following up on the news broken by Ron Sirak this week that Ginn is likely out as a sponsor of at least one of its LPGA events, Golfweek's Adam Schupak refreshed my memory on how one of those Ginn events found its way on the schedule (thanks to reader Steven T. for the link):
By opting for Ginn’s richer purses, Bivens gave the Ginn Tribute the highly-coveted Memorial Day weekend date, which had been held by the Shoprite LPGA Classic in New Jersey. Bivens’ decision effectively terminated the tournament sponsored by the grocery chain, which had been an LPGA supporter for 21 years and had an agreement to serve as title sponsor through 2014.
If you want to relive the Shop Rite debacle, I've set up a convenient search link so you can be reminded how a longtime event that was secure through 2014 was shafted by the Brand Lady.
Reader Comments (4)
I remember reading that the Harrisons were trying to put together a Champions tour event in Atlantic City. Who knows if they can find a sponsor.
I also notice the "SemGroup Championship" the first week in May, SemGroup filed for bankruptcy last week.
add the Ginn events and whatever other 1 or 2 that naturally fall out every year and Commish Bozo has a lot of sponsors to find.
how many other current sponsors do you think she pissed off in the last 12 months that will walk soon?
she has a serious problem...
In addition, it was reported that CORNING will probably be out after the 2009 tournament and STATE FARM is very unhappy with the quality of field and date they had this year.
Bivens deserves everything she gets in my opinion!