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    Grounds for Golf: The History and Fundamentals of Golf Course Design
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    The Art of Golf Design
    by Michael Miller, Geoff Shackelford
  • The Future of Golf: How Golf Lost Its Way and How to Get It Back
    The Future of Golf: How Golf Lost Its Way and How to Get It Back
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Rosie On Rocco

Tim Rosaforte files a very enjoyable profile of Rocco Mediate's whirlwind run and finally, someone catches up on the incredible trevails he's gone through in the midst of a couple of other great runs that you likely forgot about.

I did wonder about this:His legs rested on a chair, exposing bare ankles and clean-shaven legs. (That's right—Mediate shaves his legs. "A lot of women are jealous," he says.) On the wall a flat-screen TV replayed the afternoon action, Rocco's name still on the first page of the leader board.

Two hours after his second round ended with a birdie, he was relaxing in black drawstring sweatpants, a black Callaway sweater and black Nike Frees.
Uh, what brand were those drawstring sweats Tim? Sloppy, sloppy! Please, we need to know.

This, borders on TMI...

His legs rested on a chair, exposing bare ankles and clean-shaven legs. (That's right—Mediate shaves his legs. "A lot of women are jealous," he says.)

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Reader Comments (7)

I want to tell you all, that this post is proof that we've wayyyyy toned-down here over the years at Geoff

The old days would go something like this:

The boss, when working out of the "Western Office" in Santa Monica, this means you can't get any closer to the water--if you get my point.. You can barely hear him because he's got this incessant wave machine playing in the back ground.

Anyway, what would happen in the old days, a call would come in from the Western Office, which usually meant that some serious thinking was going on--after all the boss is relaxed. He's thinking.

My desk phone here in La habra would suddenly ring: "I need a Photoshop representation of something funny like a David Fay's Chop House menu for some fun with the USGA's failed Russian Tea Room experiment; or a mythical mug shot of Rees Jones, shortly after being caught trespassing on a another architect's very high end project."

There was a lot of fun stuff going on in those days.

Today, I just couldn't help myself to think that the boss was ready to relive old memories, grand old times of the great days pass, here on GSdotCom...... I waited and sat by the phone, hoping the call would come with the order, "Give me something funny on Rosaforte......

The call never came....

So, I guess my representation of Rosie O'Donnell with a shaved-head will have to wait. Its ashame too, because I think Tim would have loved it, being the decent, fun loving talented writer that he is.....
Looks like we have some corporate politics!
07.31.2008 | Unregistered CommenterMr Monte Carlo
Borders on TMI?
07.31.2008 | Unregistered CommenterJT
That was officially TMI!!
07.31.2008 | Unregistered CommenterJT
I don't understand any of this.
07.31.2008 | Unregistered CommenterAunt Blabbie
Rocco also said that drug testing was "the biggest joke in the world" but you're supposed to pretend you didn't hear that.
07.31.2008 | Unregistered CommenterMike
I must've been out in the sun too long today. I thought I read "Everyman Rocco" shaves his legs. Whew!
07.31.2008 | Unregistered CommenterScott

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