Trevino: "Why isn't the USGA saying the courses can't be more than 7,000 yards long?"
Kathy Bissell talks to a former winner at Oak Hill and Lee Trevino is in fine spirits predicting a winner, analyzing Phil Mickelson's backswing with Butch Harmon, and mostly, taking on the USGA.
"The problem is our designers are making golf clubs for professionals, and I don't think that they are making golf courses, they are not developing golf courses for people," he insisted. "They have got this campaign going, 'While We're Young.' What the hell does that mean? If the course is 8,000 yards long, has 400 bunkers on it, the greens are 8,000 square feet, elephants buried in them, while we're young? Are you kidding me?"
He wonders why the USGA doesn't regulate the length of golf courses if they want to do something to improve the pace of play.
"Why isn't the USGA saying the courses can't be more than 7,000 yards long?" he wondered. "They govern everything else."
He goes on to note that even with modern equipment the average handicap has remained the same.
Reader Comments (18)
And I own a ''deluxe'' version of Caddyshack, can quote most of the movie, and I didn't have a clue WTF the ''while we're young'' was supposed to mean, though I do like he bug eyed look Paula Creamer gives in her rendition.
I say the pros should be threatened with a shot clock, if they don't get it together in the next 2 years. Every 2 bad times costs you a stroke. Why doesn't TV make something happen? They are the ones who start ''New Modern Theory Project'' late every week.
Oak Hill is going to be super boring to watch and some mid tier player is going to win. Tiger will contend, and as much as I want Phil to win/contend he probably won't. There are not enough opportunities for a superior player to separate himself at that course.
The answer to your question, based on your recommendation of limiting par 72 course length to 20x the length of a five iron, is that the average PGA Tour course should be 4000 yards long.
e.g. Yesterday two pals & I were stuck behind a foursome of more elderly gents. They were playing the tees they should be playing. We waited on EVERY shot beginning with the second hole. These guys played a tough golf course in about 4 hours and 25 minutes. Slow but not all that dreadful considering there was a cart path only rule in effect that day.
It just never seemed to occur to them that it was wide open ahead of them and behind us.
It's about common sense and good manners, two commodities unfortunately lacking in (seemingly) most of the golfers out there today.